<p>-Rising senior (asian female)
-4A High school in a suburban area (rarely sends students to prestigious schools)</p>
<p>Schools of interest:
Boston University (passionate about this school)
University of Washington (likely)
University of California San Diego
more ambitious ones...
Univeristy of Chicago
University of Rochester</p>
<p>GPA: 3.78 (unweighted)
I've taken all honors classes through high school except for maybe one or two due to schedule conflicts. I also got B's and A's throughout high school. The lowest grade on my transcript is a solid B. My GPA is low because I performed very poorly during my freshman year.</p>
<p>AP's taken:
-US History 2
-English Literature 2
Would it be better to submit these horrible scores?? </p>
<p>AP's that I'm planning to take during senior year:
-Physics B
-English Language
should I take one more AP during my senior year?? (either enviornment or government)</p>
<p>Class rank:
31 out of 265</p>
2nd-1430 (Unfortunately, I threw up at the test center but since I wanted to see my score I didn't cancel it. I probably would have gotten around 1650)
**These scores will surely improve to near 2000s because all I've been doing this summer is practicing SATs.</p>
<p>SAT II:
US History 530 </p>
<p>Volunteer work:
-Elementary School volunteery work (max 30hr)- Basically act as a TA by organizing and preparing materials for next day's lesson. Also, when necessary work with students with coloring, cutting, or whatever else they need help with.
-Piano accompaniment for Sunday services (max 5hr)- Play hymnals during Sunday services for my church. It would count as volunteer work right? Regardless of religious affliation, I voluntarily did it.
-Volunteer at a local art museum- just got accepted so I'll complete a minimum of 40 hours here.
-Also, I've done volunteer work at other places but, they were just one time things. Do admission officers like to see this kind of volunteer work??</p>
National Honor Society-all four years
Key Club- all four years
World Affairs Club- 11, 12
FBLA- 11, 12
Letterman Varsity Tennis-10, 11, 12 (Most Improved Award)</p>
<p>Rec: I don't know if they'll be excellent because I'm a shy person but I'm sure they'll be decent because I do well in class and try hard. I'll get one from my teacher and two from my volunteer coordinators.</p>
<p>Essay: I haven't selected a topic yet but I'm a good writer</p>
<p>Please leave honest and concise answers. Thanks in advance!</p>