Chance for BU, UW, UCSD, UC!!! I'll chance back! :)

<p>-Rising senior (asian female)
-4A High school in a suburban area (rarely sends students to prestigious schools)</p>

<p>Schools of interest:
Boston University (passionate about this school)
University of Washington (likely)
University of California San Diego
more ambitious ones...
Univeristy of Chicago
University of Rochester</p>

<p>GPA: 3.78 (unweighted)
I've taken all honors classes through high school except for maybe one or two due to schedule conflicts. I also got B's and A's throughout high school. The lowest grade on my transcript is a solid B. My GPA is low because I performed very poorly during my freshman year.</p>

<p>AP's taken:
-US History 2
-English Literature 2
Would it be better to submit these horrible scores?? </p>

<p>AP's that I'm planning to take during senior year:
-Physics B
-English Language
should I take one more AP during my senior year?? (either enviornment or government)</p>

<p>Class rank:
31 out of 265</p>

2nd-1430 (Unfortunately, I threw up at the test center but since I wanted to see my score I didn't cancel it. I probably would have gotten around 1650)
**These scores will surely improve to near 2000s because all I've been doing this summer is practicing SATs.</p>

<p>SAT II:
US History 530 </p>

<p>Volunteer work:
-Elementary School volunteery work (max 30hr)- Basically act as a TA by organizing and preparing materials for next day's lesson. Also, when necessary work with students with coloring, cutting, or whatever else they need help with.
-Piano accompaniment for Sunday services (max 5hr)- Play hymnals during Sunday services for my church. It would count as volunteer work right? Regardless of religious affliation, I voluntarily did it.
-Volunteer at a local art museum- just got accepted so I'll complete a minimum of 40 hours here.
-Also, I've done volunteer work at other places but, they were just one time things. Do admission officers like to see this kind of volunteer work??</p>

National Honor Society-all four years
Key Club- all four years
World Affairs Club- 11, 12
FBLA- 11, 12
Letterman Varsity Tennis-10, 11, 12 (Most Improved Award)</p>

<p>Rec: I don't know if they'll be excellent because I'm a shy person but I'm sure they'll be decent because I do well in class and try hard. I'll get one from my teacher and two from my volunteer coordinators.</p>

<p>Essay: I haven't selected a topic yet but I'm a good writer</p>

<p>Please leave honest and concise answers. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Cmon peoplee. I need some comments about my progress…
I know it’s not the best so any tips would be appreciated!</p>

<p>The rigor of your schedule (honors, APs) doesn’t matter as much as the rigor of your schedule compared to what’s offered at your school. Are you taking the most rigorous schedule possible?</p>

<p>Boston University- match
University of Washington- match/low reach
University of California San Diego- reach
Univeristy of Chicago- high reach
University of Rochester- reach</p>

<p>Your GPA isn’t bad at all, but your test scores are the major weakness in your application hence all the reaches. Also, lack of APs. Good luck though!</p>