chance for dream school stanford, ivies and top lacs pretty please


<p>Please chance me for:
Stanford (REA)

<p>Thank you!</p>

International, South Korean</p>

<p>Residence: Germany
School: Independent english speaking international school administering International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (no AP classes offered)</p>

<p>GPA:7.00 in International Baccalaureate scale
Rank:8/126 (Valedictorian-6th all applying to Oxbridge)
2011 Mar RC: 720 M: 720 W: 650
2011 Oct RC: 690 M: 670 W: 750
2011 Dec (registered)
SATII: 2011 Nov Literature, Physics (registered)
TOEFL: 118/120 (iBT)</p>

IB English A1 Higher Level
IB Physics Higher Level
IB History (Europe Option) Higher Level
IB Visual Art Standard Level
IB Math Standard Level
IB German Ab Initio
Theory of Knowledge
*maximum higher level courses allowed by the IBO is 4, normally 3 recommended due to time constraints</p>

(ECs at current international school in germany, 2nd semester 10th grade - now)
-Editor-in-Chief of school paper
-Correspondent for independently funded student magazine
-Delegate to The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) 2011
-Advisory Panel member IMO to THIMUN 2012
-Ambassador to Royal Russell Model United Nations 2011
-Student Library Advisory
-Varsity Tennis
-Student/player at local tennis&badminton club
(ECs at prior public school in south korea, 9th grade - 1st semester 10th grade)
-Lee Min Jong Art Studio
-Chungdahm Institute Masters Program</p>

CommonApp Writing: fiction style prose of a significant event, clear & straightforward, took great care not to brag/explain too much/dictate/have an epiphany/judge, incessantly revised, critiqued, approved of by counselor and family and even my little sister who usually likes to criticize every word i say, i too am very satisfied with the final draft
CommonApp EC writing: clean piece about joining the school paper my first week at school and finally landing the editor-in-chief position, befriending the supervising teacher, and staying for whole saturdays eating pizza and finishing final edits before publishing 16-page issues
Stanford (applying REA) supplement: amount of care and time put into all answers and essays almost equal to the one CommonApp essay</p>

<p>Letters of Rec:
Counselor: She says she focused on my improvement of grades (just about the only thing keeping my GPA from ranking round 1st or 2nd is the ****ty grades i got at my korean public school, where i never paid attention in class and just read books in the back of the classroom cause all the classes were so boring you wouldn't believe. anyway it's all my fault and my loss, counselor did point out "extraordinary" leap after moving to germany) also included a page-length excerpt from a letter my MUN advisor wrote
1) Theory of Knowledge and German teacher in junior year: he said i should read his letter sometime in the future since life's gonna be tough and no one's gonna ever say things as nice and praising as what he'd written in his letter, and i'm going to need the encouragement cause i'm not getting any more after school's out. (he's brilliant but very sarcastic)
2) English A1 HL teacher junior year and senior (except for language2 IB courses are two-years): absolutely brilliant teacher, smartest person I've met so far, has that British humour that's really dry and forgiving, though has very, VERY high standards. so this letter worries me a bit, but i did perform in her class and did extra work, she knows i read more than average and i always answered questions like 'what did James Joyce write that was experimental in line with the works of Virginia Woolf.' also hoping a bit of harshness will be healthy for the application as a whole(?)</p>

<p>lol that last bit got slightly out of hand... carried away
I'd especially like to know about my Stanford REA choice;) But also hoping for chance on other schools on my list! THANK YOU!!!</p>


<p>maybe i should’ve capitalized my title</p>

<p>Will chance back</p>

<p>I would say to get your SAT up just a tad bit. Its really good now though. Do well on those subject tests for sure. The editor’s spot is great. You have a lot of other ec’s which shows how well rounded you are. It doesn’t play a MASSIVE role, but your ethnicity will give you an ever so slight boost up. Lastly, your essays sound GREAT. Same with your LoRs. I would say you have a good shot at all of those schools. But, you need to get your SAT up just a tad bit to have a better chance at the ivies there. </p>

<p>As with all Ivy admissions you have to absolutely be the best of the best. People with perfect grades might not get in. It is hard to know what is a lock until you actually receive you letter or acceptance. </p>

<p>I wish I had your transcript and ec list. best of luck to you.</p>

<p>thanks Boomboomboom if you post your link i’ll chance you back:)
any other opinions? guys cmon</p>

<p>I will be very honest.</p>

<p>You have very “low chances” at Stanford REA.</p>

<p>Penn and Brown: Reach
Amherst, Williams: Reach</p>

<p>Suggestion: Look for international friendly LACs (Carleton College for example).</p>

ah well… thanks;) do you want me to chance you back?</p>

<p>dyou reckon it’d be better for me to hold back Stanford for RD? if i improve my SAT and get good SAT II scores would that change anything</p>

<p>Stanford (REA)-- reach
Brown–big reach
UPenn–big reach
UMichigan–high target
NYU-- target/safety
Vassar-- safety</p>

<p>20more where are you</p>

<p>For most of these I would put 50% simply because they are Ivie’s and the admission is hard to predict. A Boom said, they reject top kids all the time in favor of slightly more average kids with good EC’s. Many of these colleges want to see that you are capable of being a well rounded person while maintaining high grades. You seem to be the in the average of SAT scores for NYU and Tufts. I am hesitant to predict the others because I am not too familiar with how colleges view IB.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>you should be fine for nyu tufts vassar and michigan. the ivies are going to be quite challenging and so will williams and amherst, but with fantastic essays i’m confident that you have a decent chance at all of them. i’d wager that you’ll get into one of them (but then again you never know…)</p>

<p>Nice to see another Korean here.</p>

<p>For those LACs, one thing I can tell you is that your chances can significantly differ based on whether you apply for financial aid or not. Lot of schools have limited financial aid for internationals and only a few are need-blind to international students. With LAC boom among Korean students, getting financial aid can be really difficult. ( heard that you will be placed in a different pool) </p>

Good luck!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Any advice for me would be helpful.</p>

<p>thanks almo611, I chanced you back</p>

<p>AnonymousStudent, thanks, and what do you think about Stanford?</p>

<p>UrbanNight - yeah i did worry about that too but Williams, Amherst and Vassar are all known to give very generous aid to international students, the average between the three i remember was out of about 550 internationals 400-500 got at least half tuition and some even full
plus Amherst is one of the EIGHT schools in the entire country that are NEED BLIND TO INTERNATIONALS HIP HIP HOORAY
I just found that out after reading your thread and searching to check:) thanks thanks everyone!</p>

<p>more input welcome! will chance back</p>

<p>i forgot to mention i’m legacy at michigan through my dad, he did his grad degree there</p>

<p>You have great ECs and GPA, but your test scores are kind of low for the top schools. Stanford, however, doesn’t seem to factor in test scores as much as an individual’s uniqueness, so write great essays and have great recs, and you will have a great shot (especially if your scores get higher).</p>

<p>UrbanNight I chanced you back:) 굿렄ㅎㅎ</p>

<p>I agree with the other feedbacks posted in this thread: You have to improve your test scores + in my opinion you got a lack of social activities.
As a conclusion it can be said that Ivie’s are more like (high) reach and the rest (high) match. </p>

<p>By the way: Do you speak German?</p>

<p>thanks, i registered for a third SAT in December and am taking the subject tests next week. well prepared</p>

<p>lol Wilhelm is such a German name… Sie Deutsch? Ich spreche ein bisschen, ich bin nicht so gut. Dies ist mein zweites Jahr hier</p>

<p>You’re right with your guess: I’m German and also applying to similar schools as you are.</p>

<p>Keep in touch, especially considering Brown.</p>

<p>yea send me a link if you post a chance thread
you living here right now or in the states?</p>