Chance for Kenyon 2014 and other questions for foreign student...plz help!

<p>hey rtsb, admittedly you are right. Financial Aid is THE most important thing to consider for me. Without a substantial financial aid package I am no where near any US schools.
There isn’t one PERFECT school, i have to say that the reason why I chose Kenyon is also because i find myself suited for it. I assure you I did tons of research since last year and I am now familiar with most of the top-notch Universities and LACs in the US.</p>

<p>Frankly speaking, Kenyon is very generous to students that it admits. And as far as I am concerned, Kenyon’s has a quality education that is comparable to other top schools and colleges.And I DO love it. I also did extensive research into its curriculum and student life and I am happy with all these thus far.So that’s all I need to know.</p>

<p>If my family has sufficient financial means, yes I might have given a try at other schools, like Brown. But what do you suggest then? I v already submitted my ED application and I cannot withdraw it once admitted.</p>