Chance for my friend who's applying this fall please!

• SAT I (breakdown): 2350 (750 CR, 800 M, 800 W) (superscored - 2 sittings)
• SAT II: Math II (790), World History (760), Chemistry (800), Biology (800), US History (770)
• Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
• Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1/~450</p>

<p>• AP/College Classes
-9th Grade: AP Human Geography (4)
-10th Grade: AP World History (5) | Self-study: AP Chinese (4), AP Environmental Science (4), AP Psychology (4)
-11th Grade: AP Calculus BC (5) (Johns Hopkins CTY), AP English Language (5), AP US History (5), General Chemistry (AP - 5) (Oregon State University), AP Computer Science A (5) (HSCompSci Online), AP Microeconomics (5) (FLVS), AP Macroeconomics (5) (FLVS) | Self-study: AP Biology (5), Statistics (5), Comparative Government (5)</p>

<p>• Senior Year Course Load
-12th Grade: Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra (Johns Hopkins CTY), AP English Literature, AP US Government, AP Spanish Language, AP Physics C Mechanics + E&M (Stanford EPGY OHS), Macroeconomic Theory (local university), Microeconomic Theory (local university)</p>

<p>• Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Merit Finalist (she thinks, got like a 235 on PSAT so most likely so), National AP Scholar, USABO Semifinalist, USNCO Semifinalist (Top 150), Local Brain Bee 1st Place + National Brain Bee Top 5, FTC Robotics World Championships, Young Epidemiology Scholars Semifinalist, National History Day - California, Regional Science Fair Top 3 in Category, Siemens Competition Semifinalist</p>


• Extracurriculars
-American Red Cross (9 - Treasurer; 10, 11 - Vice President; 12 - Co-President)
-History Club (9; 10, 11 - Publicist; 12 - Secretary)
-Environmental Science Club (9, 10, 11, 12)
-Key Club (9, 10, 11, 12)
-Science Bowl (Cofounder; 10, 11, 12 - Co-Captain)
-FTC Robotics (10, 11, 12 - Engineering Notebook; World Championships)
-Piano (ABRSM Level 8 Diploma (Practical) + ABRSM Level 5 (Theory))
-Tennis (9, 10 - Junior Varsity Starter; 11 - Varsity Alternate; 12 - Varsity Starter)</p>

<p>• Job/Work Experience
-Part-time Intern @ local Congresswoman Office
-Involved in a start-up company for biodegradable foodware
-Starbucks Barista</p>

<p>• Volunteer/Community service
-Peer Tutoring (400 hours)
-American Red Cross + Key Club + Environmental Science events and stuffs</p>

<p>• Summer Activities
-Neuroscience Camp @ major university
-Alzheimer's & Stem Cell research @ another major university
-American Red Cross Leadership Development Center (LDC)</p>

<p>• Teacher Recommendation: One from AP World History teacher, and debating on the second one b/w AP English Language and AP Calc BC teacher
• Counselor Rec: Getting it from Principal instead.
• Additional Rec(s): 1 - Congresswoman 2 - Research Mentor</p>


• School Type: Large public school (approx 3K students); average, typical HS (median SAT score is around 1400 out of 2400), disproportionately Hispanic school (60%)...nothing special like Stuyvesant, Harvard-Westlake, or Thomas Jefferson
• Location: Southern California
• Ethnicity: Chinese
• Gender: Female
• Income Bracket: 150K-200K
• Major: Neuroscience (this is why I love her) + Economics (double major or minor)
• Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): None</p>

UC Berkeley
UC Irvine

<p>Please chance my biffle for those schools. I lahv her, so please don't be a jerk!</p>

<p>She says thanks and good luck to fellow rising seniors with college apps btw.</p>

<p>Harvard - possible
Yale - possible
MIT - possible
Stanford - possible
Columbia - probable/possible
Cornell - very probable
UPenn - probable
UC Berkeley - in
UCLA - in
UC Irvine - in
USC - in</p>

<p>If any of that means anything. Tell you’re friend she has wonderful stats and will at least get into one and possibly get into all of HYSM and Ivies.</p>

<p>lol srsly, she’s like the ideal/perfect CCer lmao</p>

<p>she’s also thinking about submitting a supplement of a portfolio of her graphic/digital design work that she does in her free time, should she or should she not? she asks</p>

<p>bumpin bumpin</p>

<p>dance floor bumpin</p>

<p>Asian Female from California</p>

<p>But, STEM oriented Female with USABO Semifinalist and USNCO Semifinalist</p>

<p>Harvard - possible
Stanford - possible (<- so unpredictable)</p>

<p>Yale - Possible (better chances at Yale than Harvard and Stanford)
MIT - Possible (better chances at MIT than Harvard and Stanford)</p>

<p>UPenn - probable
Columbia - probable</p>

<p>Cornell - Great Chances</p>

<p>UC Berkeley - Great Great chances
UCLA - Great Great Chances</p>

<p>UC Irvine - In
USC - In</p>

<p>“Major: Neuroscience (this is why I love her) + Economics (double major or minor)”</p>

<p>What about Cal Tech and JHU and Chicago?</p>

<p>Good Luck to you!</p>

<p>she says she doesnt want caltech, jhu, and uchicago because they don’t have a vibrant social/party life and are not in a big city like boston or LA</p>

<p>she would like more insight, please answer guise</p>

<p>JHU has a pretty good scene. It’s just in baltimore… which sucks…</p>

<p>CHANCE DIS BEEZY y’all</p>

<p>you keep pretty close track of your friend huh?</p>

<p>edit* and since when is chicago not one of the three biggest cities in the US…bigger than Boston for sure.</p>

<p>well she’s really close to me. she’s like one of the few at my school that aspire to attend an HYPSM/Ivy school. if she’s accepted to any of those schools (HYPSM/Ivy that is), she will be accomplishing a feat that the school, in its entire years of existence, would probably never have had witnessed before.</p>

<p>looks like a strong candidate for all, by the way</p>

<p>write great essays and get great LORs and continue to do/make/participate in exceptional things and he/she looks good!</p>

<p>and i don’t know, that’s just her preference lol</p>

<p>Ok – more insight</p>

<p>Your friend has perfect grades. Near Perfect SATs, Major accomplishments in the sciences, and great ECs.</p>

<p>To be honest, it’s as close to a perfect hs resume as we’re going to see.</p>

<p>Here’s the problem – Harvard, Yale Stanford, MIT, Columbia (you forgot Princeton, BTW) have acceptance rates significantly below 10%. They reject many perfect HS resumes. NO one is a lock at those schools.</p>

<p>Cornell and Penn aren’t very far behind those schools – and no one is a guaranty there.</p>

<p>Nonetheless, these are the kind of schools someone with your friend’s resume should be applying to. </p>

<p>No predictions, but it wouldn’t shock me to see someone like this ‘run the table’ and get into every school to which she applied</p>

<p>great resume, needs something more interesting to make yourself absolutely stand out, otherwise it’s just a crapshoot.</p>

<p>you’re friend sounds like a stupid asian middle schooler contemplating her future grades… >.<</p>

<p>she’s got the stats, her next task is to write essays to make her stand out and appear interesting. She needs to show her personality and appear like a desirable unique student. The stats are dynamite or course, however, since that is true for many ivy candidates the essays become more important.</p>