Chance for NYU Stern?

<p>I know that Stern is more competitive than NYU as a whole, but do I have a chance?</p>

<p>My info is as follows:</p>

<p>School: Fairly typical as far as student achievement goes. Suburban MA. I am a white male.
--GPA: 3.78UW, 4.22W
--ACT: 35
--SAT II: 700 Chem, 780 Math II
--Class Rank: 4/167
--AP Scores: English Lang (5), Chem (4), taking Physics B, English Lit, Euro, and Calc AB this year
--Note: Took most rigorous courses available, except for freshman year because I transferred from a private middle school so my placement was a tad screwed up. Fairly decent upward trend, though.</p>

<p>--Sports: Varsity Tennis (10,11,12)
--NHS: 50 volunteer hours per year, Tutor chair (coordinated tutoring in my school)
--I also completed an independent service project where we organized a day of team building activities for the incoming freshman class of 220 kids. It was a pretty big deal, and we had about 350 people involved.
--Varsity Math Team (11,12): Highest scorer from my town Junior year
--I interviewed applicants over the summer for a variety of positions at our school (English teachers, Science teachers, Vice Principal)
--Senior Leader: served as an advisor to a group of freshmen, met almost weekly
--Family + Community Leaders Club: Volunteer work for events around town, sometimes overlapped with NHS</p>

<p>Self Bump???</p>

<p>NYU Stern: Low-mid match</p>

<p>Great ACT score! :)</p>

<p><a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I meant for jobs at the school as teachers. They wanted students to have a hand in the interviewing process so I offered to do it. Kinda lame I know, but hey its something. </p>

<p>Also Iā€™m not sure how you came to the conclusion I am a liberal arts kid. Up until very recently, it looked like I was going to engineering school</p>