chance hispanic student please :)

<p>Hey I was wondering what my chances would be for the following schools given my stats:
SAT: 1980 620 CR 680 Math 680 writing (retaking)
GPA: UW 3.6 W 4.1
Rank: top 10%
Classes Taken w/ grades (Unweighted)
9th Grade:
H Algebra II A/B
9th H Lit A/A
H Spanish 2 A/A
H Biology A/A
World Geography A</p>

Pre Calc C/B
AP World B/B (4 on exam)
H Spanish 3 A/A
H Lit 10th B/B
Chemistry A/A</p>

AP Bio B/expecting B
Ap Calc AB C/ expecting B
APUSH B/ expecting A
H American Lit A/exoecting A
H Spanish 4 A/ expecting A</p>

<p>Senior Schedule
AP Stat
AP Physics
AP Macro/Micro
AP Lit
AP Comp Sci A
AP Spanish Lang</p>

<p>Hooks: Hispanic
Income: Lower middle to low income</p>

XC two years
Track 2 years
Club Soccer 3 years
I Tutor kids at school for free, i have my own tutoring bussiness outside of school
work in my uncles business, i help manage finances
beta club( Tutoring, volunteer at community charity, volunteer at feed the hungry)
Summer before freshman year: wnet to Peru ( my parents hoem country) and helped feed some of the starving children)
I know my ec's are a little weak but based on my other stats, what are my chances at these schools??</p>

GA Tech
UF (Florida)
U Texas
UC Davis
U Chicago
Wake Forest

<p>I don’t do Chances, but I’ll make a few comments.</p>

<p>In what state are you a resident? Is cost a concern?</p>

<p>Cost to attend an OOS public college can be very high unless they have merit aid or offer good FA to OOS students (UVA & UNC-CH are the only two that I know do this). If not a resident of CA, the UCs will be about 50k/yr and they tend to be numbers driven in admissions.</p>

<p>If cost is a concern, NYU is well known for it’s poor FA.</p>

<p>Are you low income enough to qualify for Questbridge? It might be helpful to define approximate family income/yr, as ‘low to low middle income’ can mean different things to different people. To qualify for low income FA policies families generally have a yearly income of below about 60-65k.</p>

<p>Are you a native Spanish speaker? If so, are you taking Spanish in HS to improve your grammar and writing?</p>



<p>For H, S, UofC and likely some of the others, a 3.6 gpa/sub 2000 SAT is well below their 25:75 range. If you are low SES, have overcome obstacles, etc., you might get some degree of bump in your stats. The most sought after Hispanics are those who’s country of origin is either Mexico or PR as they are the most underrepresented in US colleges.</p>

<p>Activities you did before you started HS will not be listed on your college application, you could however discuss these experiences in an essay.</p>

I am a resident of Georgia. Yes, cost is a factor and my family falls under the low income (under 60,000) but i do not think i would cosider myself low ses. I understnad that my SAT scores are low and the 1980 came with little preperation. However, I am retaking in June and I am expecting a significantly higher score. Also, I scored a 194 on the PSAT in the fall. Do you think that would be enough for NHRP?</p>

<p>Hopefully, the cutoff for the Southern Region last year was 193, see post #19:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Definitely look into Questbridge, there’s a forum for it under FA & Scholarships.</p>

<p>Since money is a factor, I would recommend taking the UCs off your list, I’m not familiar with FL or TX schools, so I don’t know if they have merit for OOS students. For the privates, with the exception of NYU, they may give you reasonable FA packages. However, other than H & S, I’m not sure about their loan policies, so that’s something to check into. NYU does have some merit aid, but I’m not familiar with how competitive for it you would be.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input, i’ll definitely make sure I look into the Questbridge scholarship.</p>

<p>Best of luck, if you haven’t seen them yet, there are 2 sticky threads on the SAT prep forum that are very helpful, xiggi’s method and silver turtle.</p>