chance in RD?

<p>White male from Vermont </p>

<p>2300 SAT (740V, 780M, 780W)
34 ACT (34,34,34,34,) writing = 33(with 10 essay)
SAT2 Math1 = 730
SAT2 Lit = 580 (retake!!!! probably somewhere in low 700's)</p>

<p>Less than stellar GPA ~ 89/100 (about a 3.5 UW), but MAJOR upward trend
Hardest classes of anyone ever at my HS (GC noted this)</p>

<p>5 on only AP offered (enviro)</p>

<p>classes this year:
AP English
AP Microeconomics
AP Macroeconomics
AP Physics
AP Stats
AP Latin
French V
Greek </p>

<p>Ranked 6/53</p>

<p>captain of two varsity sports (hockey & tennis)
sadd president
yearbook editor in chief
head of leadership
...lots of other stuff too</p>

<p>worked 16 hours a week all through high school</p>

<p>essays: unique (about something only I have done)
recs: damn good</p>


<p>have you been following other threads on this site? there are a lot of people with amazing profiles who got deferred or rejected in ED...i guess what i'm trying to say is that it's impossible to predict what adcom's will do. as several people on this site have already stressed, it is a numbers game...i would say you have a good chance in RD, but it'll end up depending entirely on the pool of candidates your pitted against; your academics are unlikely to stand out, considering the calibre of students that apply to a top-ranked school like williams, so it might just come down to how many other applicants were varsity sports captains or chief editors of their school yearbooks...and of course, how good your essay is! admissions are so unpredicatable, i wouldn't have my heart set on any single college'll be better off applying to a wide range of schools, with a few solid safety schools in the list...after all, the QUALITY of the college experience varies very little between top-notch schools like williams, swarthmore, vassar, cornell...even the ivies, at the undergrad level, don't really have anything on the elite liberal arts colleges :)</p>

<p>you're superb & shouldn't be worried about any college.
you're obviously smart & thus any college would be honored to have you.</p>