Chance me and help me out please!

<p>Hey guys. Before you guys read my stats, I am very well aware that my chance of getting in with ED is really low because these are basically my finalized stats for ED (except my SATs), or that's what I've been told. Anyways, I'm planning on improving my gpa and sat scores by a good amount before January. I'm expecting to boost my GPA up to at least 3.8 and my SAT to at least 1850. </p>

<p>-Ethnicity: Asian/Korean
-Student in Northern Virginia
-Planned Major: I'm putting down undecided, because I want to major in Computer Science through their Engineering program but I'll most likely have to transfer in later.
-Current GPA: 3.71 [Hoping to get it to 3.8+ by the deadline, if possible]
-ACT score: None. Taking it in October.
-SAT: Taken once - 1760; Math - 650, Writing - 560, Reading - 550. [Hoping to get 1850 super score by the deadline]
-SAT score out of 1600: 1210
-SAT2: None. Planning on taking Math 2 between now and the next year.
-At the end of junior year, I have taken 5 years of Spanish, and 4 AP classes (World History, US History, Calc AB, and Psychology). I received a B- in World History, A in US History, A- in Calc AB, and B in Psychology.
-Current senior schedule: AP Literature, Physics (Regular), AP Calc BC, AP Chemistry, AP Government, Intro to Comp Sci, and AP Human Geography.</p>

-FBLA (Future Business Leaders) (one year, junior year)
-FPLA (Future Public Leaders) (treasurer, one year, junior year)
-Key Club (one year, junior year)
-Debate (two year, junior and senior years)</p>

<p>Volunteer work:
-I'm active for all my church activities (I'm accumulated around 200-300 hours of volunteer work with them).
-Key Club counts, I guess.</p>

<p>Sorry for double posting, but would it be better to keep my scores and go for ED or hope that I get better next quarter and do RD?</p>

<p>Is your GPA weighted or un-weighted? I don’t think a jump from 3.7 to 3.8 is going to make a difference in your chances. It’s hard to say what Engineering will think of your application. There have been applicants with 650 Math accepted into Engineering. I doubt for ED but it doesn’t really matter whether you go ED or regular decision as long as you are accepted. Ideally, they would see Honors Physics rather than regular Physics but at least you are taking Physics. I would have like to see AP Comp Sci since you have an interest in Computer Science. Keep in mind that Va Tech computer science degree is math heavy in comparison to some other colleges. The BS in Comp Science is almost enough for a minor in Mathematics (you only need one more class to get the minor).</p>

<p>Your HS may provide Naviance results (SAT and GPA) of accepted students so you can compare how you stack up against others from your HS</p>

<p>My GPA is un-weighted. Thing is, there is no Honor Physics in my school. It’s either regular or AP, since we’re a fairly small/new school. I regret not taking AP CS… </p>

<p>Looking at my Naviance, it’s actually kind of unlikely that I’ll get in… I feel that the only chance of me getting in is luck. It seems like a solid 40% chance for me to get in… :/</p>

<p>I think a 3.71 unweighted and 1760 is probably good enough to get you in as a Virginia resident.</p>

<p>I don’t know whether it is enough to get you admitted directly to Engineering. Apply with Engineering listed as your intended major, and if they don’t offer you direct admission, they may instead offer you admission to “University Studies” with the option to transfer to Engineering later, after completing prerequisite courses with satisfactory grades. This could add a year to the time needed to graduate. </p>

<p>I suggest you apply directly to the college of Engineering (intended major: CS), RD. If they do not admit you directly to Eng., they would probably not be swayed to do so by an ED application - and a University Studies ED admission is still binding on you. I would recommend ED only if you were borderline to be admitted to VT at all.</p>

<p>If you go to a fairly small/new school perhaps VT didn’t have enough history to judge whether students from your HS were successful. 3.71 unweighted gpa is excellent. Good luck.</p>