Chance me and I will DEFINITELY chance back.

<p>So the title says it all. Mostly. I took the SAT back in December to try to improve my score, but failed epically and went down in all categories. :/ So now I'm getting pretty worried as decisions are creeping closer and closer, and would like some assessment on my application and what you guys think. If you post a link in your reply, I will chance back ASAP. So here goes,</p>

<p>Who I am
-Full Mexican Male</p>


<p>-Senior at one of the best private schools in my area</p>

<p>-School does not rank, but according to my counselor I'm in the top 10% range. However, the schools will not see that.</p>

<p>-GPA after 1st semester- 3.95 unweighted, 4.23 weighted</p>

-SAT- 720 Math, 630 CR, 730 Writing (7 Essay)
This is the first time I took it, which ended up being the best score</p>

<p>-SAT II- 720 Chem, 680 Math I (I didn't study for this at all because I spent the whole month studying Chem. I payed the price)</p>

<p>-AP- I took my first AP's senior year (Chemistry, Calc AB, and American Gov)</p>

<p>School Stuff
-Courseload- Fairly difficult, not the absolute hardest available to me, but it plays on my strengths.</p>

<p>-Senior year:
-AP Chem
-AP Calc AB
-AP Gov/Honors Economics
-Honors English 4
-Honors Physics
-Christian Life (required)</p>


<p>-Community Service (9-12)- I have about 100 hours so far through four years, on pace for 200 by the end of senior year</p>

<p>-Church's Weekly Dinner for Homeless (10-12)- Where I get the majority of my hours</p>

<p>-Church's Annual Retreat (12)- Youth Leader</p>

<p>-Students Against Destructive Decisions (11-12)- Membership Director</p>

<p>-National Honor Society (12)</p>

<p>-Social Studies Honor Society (11-12)</p>

<p>-French Honor Society (11-12)</p>

<p>-Hispanic Appreciation Club (10-12)- Board of Directors</p>

<p>-I held a couple of jobs over the summer, one at a horse farm in June and as a cashier in a restaurant through July</p>

<p>Random Stuff</p>

<p>-Outstanding Student in French- 11</p>

<p>-Played bass for 5 years</p>

<p>-Fluent in Spanish, semifluent in French</p>

<p>That should cover about everything...oh yeah the schools I applied to, all of these were for the Chemical Engineering program.</p>

<p>-Columbia SEAS
-Florida State
-University of Miami (Biomedical Engineering)
-University of Southern California
-University of Texas at Austin</p>

<p>I've already been accepted into Georgia Tech and Texas A&M, so I have some definite safeties. Answers would be appreciated, and again, I will chance back if you provide a link!</p>

<p>-Columbia SEAS-Reach
-Florida State-IN
-University of Miami (Biomedical Engineering)-IN
-University of Southern California-IN
-University of Texas at Austin-Low Reach</p>

<p>What level do you think you are on in the essays and recoms? </p>

<p>Chance me…
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Columbia SEAS-reach
Cornell- high reach(it’s incredibly tough to get in. I have a friend with stats around yours and he got rejected really quickly.
FSU-since you’re instate I’d say either IN or low match
Miami-same as Florida State
USC- high match/low reach

<p>The only problem I see for these schools is your ECs. You have a good bit of stuff, but colleges want to see that you can stick with something. And it appears to me that you’ve only been in one club for more than 2 years(While community service is great, it’s not an EC. However, The bass might bring that up. Playing a musical instrument takes dedication. But your grades and SAT seem to be good for these schools(other than the Ivy, but its worth a shot)</p>

<p>chance me back? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My essays I say were in the upper ranges of decent, and I didn’t read my teacher recommendations because I waived my right to do so. However, I did only ask them from teachers that know me well and like me, so I should expect that they be very good and play on my strengths.</p>

<p>I can’t imagine that any of the Florida schools will reject you. I agree that Cornell and Columbia are reaches, but they’re not totally out of reach. But you’re already in at two great schools, so you’re golden. Relax.</p>

<p>-Columbia SEAS-match
-Florida State-IN
-University of Miami (Biomedical Engineering)-IN
-University of Southern California-IN
-University of Texas at Austin-IN</p>

<p>uhh, go check mine out in the same subseccion of the forum,
go check it</p>

<p>it’s called “A curious case of admission”</p>

<p>or something like that</p>

<p>Also, to clarify for lack of APs…</p>

<p>My school does not offer many (7 during the time that I went, they are adding more after I leave) and the ones that they do offer tend to put you in a track, i.e. if you take APUSH and AP English Comp junior year then you take AP Gov and AP Lit senior year. English and History tend to be my two weaker classes, so I got screwed out of 3 AP’s right there. I took the plunge in AP Gov this year and am doing fairly well, however. I realize that it is a pretty sparse list, and so far my school has added AP World History in my junior year and is planning to add Physics sometime in the future, among others. Basically, I picked a bad year to attend my HS. :p</p>

<p>Also in the field of random info, I’ll be graduating at 17, a year early because I skipped 8th grade. Will this have any effect?</p>

<p>Columbia: Low Reach - you have good test scores and grades and your extra currics aren’t bad. Plus, your ethnicity is a hook
Cornell: reach ^ same as above, but as always, ivies are so…random
Everything else though, you’re at least 98% for sure in!</p>

<p>Anyways, chance me please? (suggestions more like, but whatever)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My school offered 2 honors classes and 4-6 APs, but you NEEDED to take the BASIC course before taking the AP one</p>

<p>(i.e. if you want to take AP Bio, you need to take Regular Bio one year)</p>

<p>-Columbia SEAS-Reach
-Florida State-Safety
-University of Miami (Biomedical Engineering)-Not familiar with major-specific admissions, but I’d reckon in
-University of Southern California-Match
-University of Texas at Austin-Low Reach, because of the weird quota thing</p>

<p>Your ethnicity would definitely help you though. Wouldn’t be surprised to see you in at a reach.</p>

<p>Oh, the Miami thing isn’t about a major-specific thing, it’s just that it’s the one school which I did not apply to for Chemical Engineering because they do not offer the program, just as a clarification.</p>

<p>Oh right OK.</p>

<p>Chance me back? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>USC - match</p>

<p>UT - It all depends on what school you applied to. If its Cockrell or McCombs, then I definitely say its a reach (because OOS), but if its any other school then I’d say you have like an 85%-90% chance of getting in.</p>

<p>Watchingoscars, I did chance you, that’s how you got to this thread…</p>

<p>Dore, yeah I applied to Cockrell.</p>

<p>-Columbia SEAS - Low Match
-Cornell - Low Reach
-Florida State- IN
-University of Miami (Biomedical Engineering) - IN
-University of Southern California - IN
-University of Texas at Austin - Low Reach</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Columbia SEAS - Match
Cornell - Mid Reach
Florida State - IN
University of Miami (Biomedical Engineering) - IN
University of Southern California - IN
University of Texas at Austin - Low Reach</p>

<p>In state kid + all of your stats makes FSU almost certain acceptance. Minority status along with your good academics/ec’s will help everywhere. </p>

<p>Chance me: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Bump. Title says it all.</p>

<p>Bump. Again. :/</p>

<p>-Columbia SEAS-Reach
-Florida State-IDK probably Match/In though because its your state school
-University of Miami (Biomedical Engineering)-IDK smae as above
-University of Southern California-High Match
-University of Texas at Austin-Depends on major
Biomed engineering- Reach
Architectural anything-reach
all else-high match (mostly tx kids accepted)</p>

<p>chance back:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It seems like you are a very well rounded candidate and being a Mexican male will definitely help you quite a bit.
-Columbia SEAS-High match
-Cornell-Slight Reach
-Florida State-In-safety
-University of Miami (Biomedical Engineering)-In
-University of Southern California-Low Match-most likely in
-University of Texas at Austin-Match because of the ten percent rule for texans</p>

<p>Congratulations on your success in high school, Best wishes for you in college and your results. Thanks again for chancing me.</p>