Chance Me / Application Discussion - Virginia Tech Class of 2024

4.1 W GPA (11 AP’s - 5’s on 6 of them so far: taking the remaining 5 this year), 1480 SS SAT (700 ERW, 780 Math). SAT 2: 710 Math 2 (yikes,) not sure if I should send, ec’s down below:
Extracurriculars: Editors Board for Model UN Club, Academic Team co president, Publicity chair for township education association, Jersey Boys State Delegate, BAE Systems summer intern, Treasurer for French Honor Society, FBLA, NHS member (along with other honor societies), Worked with a nonprofit fitness organization in my local town that also did work in nearby lower income cities, US Soccer Licensed Referee
Middle Class in NJ, single parent only working (worded weirdly: I have two parents but only one works, other is stay at home.)
General Engineering

For my Math 2 score, I have a 5 in Calc AB, as well taking AP Stat this year. Is my subject test score going to have a huge impact since I am in shape in almost every other way?

@geogod678 You’re pretty much in. See you next fall! :smile:

Your math 2 score wouldn’t do anything since they don’t really use subject tests here and you being out of state definitely helps. Just write some stellar essays and you’ll more than likely be fine.

that’s a massive relief to hear, thank you so much! I am honestly looking at VT as my number one choice now. I hopefully can’t wait to attend next year

also just to clarify, you think I’m good for engineering school?

Wondering if admission will be alot more competitive this year.
My son is In State 3.95 W/3.6 UW (Top 20% rank)
SAT 1330
6 AP and rest mostly Honors Applying to Pamplin
Tons of EC - Top Travel Soccer team for last 5 years, Captain of Soccer Team, 2 other Varsity sports, Honor Societies, Work(Paid) on weekends and Many Volunteer Hours
Applying EA
Worried about essays these were pretty deep for 120 words

They aren’t overly admitted on Pamplin side. I think you will get in applying early action. A little close but I thjnk you will.

I think it will be close for DS. Do you think a different major or undecided would be better for getting in. He wants Business but know that will be more competitive.

Similar stats as jgwolf-
Son is In State 3.83 (Top 20% rank)
SAT 1360
Travel Soccer team for last 5 years, Captain, Honor Societies, Eagle scout and Hokie dad (in sea of hoo family - this kid is all in for the Hokies!)
Applying ED
He’s open to science program and engineering but prefers Pamphlin BIT

@geogod678 Yup. So long as your APs are mainly STEM-related, you should be able to place out of most of the freshman year classes. I also have a couple friends at Tech from NJ with similar stats, so I think you should be fine. Also, apply EA or ED, if it’s not too late. It definitely helps if it’s your first choice.

I’m EAing! (kinda annoying how every other school’s deadline is Friday but I have to wait an additional month for Tech). Only thing that my parents are kind of annoyed with as of now is the distance. You mentioned how you have friends from NJ, do you know how they manage going home for breaks?

Huge NJ population at Virginia Tech so a lot of ride sharing. There is also the Amtrak option as well as easy way back.

Have to wait another month - you mean as in Virginia Tech early action notification being later than other schools comparing to? (Feb 22nd notification)

November 1 is their Early Decision deadline so they know they will be busy with that next 30 days (why bother having to have Early Actions turn in if they aren’t going to look at them until December).

@geogod678 Pretty much what @cbl1 said. There are actually some Facebook pages for people looking for rides to and from places during major breaks.

In case you guys haven’t seen this information, this is Virginia Tech institutional data on admission by major. Just select college, major, etc. to see scores and gpa. It will give you an idea of the competitiveness of different programs.

(I just realized someone posted it earlier in this thread, but CC won’t let me delete. Still good info!)

Good Info to repeat This link says that only 19 students were accepted into the Agribusiness program (which is what I’m applying to) is there a way to see the total number of applicants? Isn’t that number quite low?

under the admissions data for Agribusiness it shows 62 applied and 40 offered admission and 19 enrolled at VT.

1125 average SAT and 3.83 average GPA out of high school.

What’s interesting about the admission data is that it shows that they offered 1,000 more engineering students in 2019 vs 2018 (the bulk of over enrollment this year is college of engineering). The yield (% who accepted the offer) was a little higher, but still lower than 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010. So the university explanation that the reason for over enrollment is that so many more kids accepted the offer than they could predict is just wrong.

With 2100 more appying from back in 2017 they must have thought they were more peoples alternate choice as prior year and that yield was going to go down - incorrect assumption but looks like they only expected 27% yield like year before … which would have put them right just above 2017 class level of 2100. It does look like they were shooting for 2100 and got 2457 (357 extra in engineering). They obviously didn’t like only having 1891 in 2018 and used those trend numbers to think they were doing the right thing for 2019.

ED to landscape architecture
Asian female
First gen

3.601 weighted gpa (10 APs)
1430 SAT 770 math 660 eng not superscored

tons of EC focusing on “ur proism” -co founder & president of community outreach organization & president of key club etc
other EC include:
internship, have 2 jobs, published articles in local newspaper… etc

I took many hard classes, just did not do well in most… VT really is my top choice though :frowning: It seems so hopeless for me but it truly is my dream to get in.
I had personal issues that affected my grades that I didn’t explain in the applications (I didn’t want to sound annoying or make it seem like I was still “unstable” that could affect college years)

I also know that college of architecture is extremely competitive but i don’t know if that’s the same with landscape arch? I considered applying for other majors to increase my chance but I thought I would shoot my shot first through ED. Thanks so much in advance

Hard to tell on GPA alone as school to school it can very a lot. I would say if your GPA is in the top 15% of your class you have a shot. If your not in top 20% of your class you may have a hard road getting in to architecture. I think if you are able to have them switch major if don’t get early decision … then you would have a decent shot of getting in undeclared or such.