Chance me (applying for 9th boarding)

8th grade Asian girl in Europe no FA, applying to 6 of GLADCHEMMS, no safety because my current school is great (but it’s online : /)

Currently taking: Multivariable Calculus, honors physics (+ English and a Language)

math - AMC10 1% (if you know AIME you know what this is), Stanford Math Tournament top 5, invited to Math Prize for Girls (top 250 girls in middle/high school)
programming - USACO Silver, open courses (eg CS50X)
insert common instrument - ABRSM Grade 8 Distinction (2021)
cross country - Top 3 spartan races (which are local or city level)
debate - a bunch of finalists / outstanding speaker awards in online comps
part of a lot of community service programs

interviews: I think(?) none would “break” my application, didnt freeze up, felt particularly good for ~2 of the interviews

not important stuff:
well written essays (like everyone else…)
also playing [different instrument in orchestra], submitted paintings, part of a lot of school clubs
SSAT 95%+
teachers who like me because im the most active 2 or 3 people in class
all grades 95+ (anything 93-100 is “A” and “A+” doesnt exist)

oh and by the way feel free to share any schools (eg hidden gems) you know that may fit me in particular

Domestic or international?
Full pay or financial aid?
Curious why you to transition from an online school to a 24 hour school? Did you address that in essays?
Where are applying?

oops sorry i like brackets and the bracketed stuff disappears… it’s back now, first sentence
sooo international, full pay

and yes we did address the change in essays in fact i thought this would come up so often i wrote an explanation as part of candidate profile additional info

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You seem very well qualified academically. You don’t mention the school to which you are applying so can I can’t comment on that.

You haven’t specifically listed the schools so any chance is really just a guess. You do seem like a strong candidate.

In your interviews did you ask how math would work for you should you be accepted?

the schools are like 5 / 6 or so of the tippy top ones. And then I didnt consider applying to safety cuz my current school is pretty good

as for math all of the schools have like independent study or directed study or advanced study, whatever they call it there’s something for students who have exhausted the curriculum (which may be in my 2nd or 3rd year of HS)