Chance Me At My Top Choices (and I'll Chance You!)


<p>Gender: M
College Class Year: 2011
High School: Public
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.91
GPA - Weighted: 4.00
Class Rank: top 10%
Class Size: 380</p>


<p>ACT: 25
(Will Take SAT II Math (II), Chemistry, and Chinese during May)
(Will Take AP Chemistry and AP Calc AB test in May)
(Will Take IB Exams Senior Year to Earn IB Diploma)
(Will retake ACT, goal is 33, practicality is 31)</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: (Have advanced them to senior year) </p>

<p>Significant Extracurriculars:
FBLA (10,11,12)
IB Leadership Council (10,11,12)
Science Olympiad (8,9)
Piano (K-9)
Key Club (11,12)
GO Chess (8,9,10,11,12)
Nicaragua Medical Project (11,12) - Fundraise and earn supplies to help a Nicaraguan village with basic medical supplies.
Leadership positions: FBLA - Treasurer (11), President (12)
IB Council - Class Representative (10,11,12)
Go Chess - Supervisor
Volunteer/Service Work: Hospital - 100+ Hours (will continue until the end of senior year)
Library - 100+ Hours</p>

<p>Honors and Awards:
FBLA District/State Place, National Qualifier
Science Olympiad Regional/State Place, National Qualifier
Piano Competition (State Level) - 1st and 2nd. </p>

<p>College Summer programs: Minority Engineer Program (10,11)</p>

<p>Colleges of Interest:</p>

<p>Duke University- 4
Cooper Union - 1
Cornell University - 2
Stanford University - 3
University of Chicago (Alumni Relations) - 5</p>

<p>I think that for Duke, Stanford, Cornell and U of Chicago might be reaches. You have a very good GPA and some pretty good ECs, but it might be hard if you can’t get your test scores up a bit more. Don’t worry though, you seem to have done a ton of great things, so will likely get into come great schools. I am don’t know a ton about Cooper Union, so I don’t really have anything to say there. I hope this helps! :)</p>

<p>Chance me?- <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Additional Forgotten Information</p>

<p>Interested Major/Field: Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineer</p>

<p>Class Work</p>

<p>Junior Year :
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus AB
IB English JR HL
IB Biology HL
Spanish IV</p>

<p>Senior Year
AP Stat
IB English SR HL
IB Math HL
IB Biology HL
IB Philsophy SL
IB Spanish SL</p>

<p>You have a very challenging schedule, which will probably help a ton.</p>

<p>yeah i agree. you’re schedule is very convincing… now just get A’s in all the classes. You’re EC’s are solid too. Good GPA. Now… you’re test scores. Can you really get your ACT up from a 25 to a 31? If you can, you’re golden. I mean, Cornell, Stanford, Duke UChicago would be a heck of a lot closer to your grasp. So just work really hard on doing that. And make sure your SAT subjects are 700+ and I think those four will be a lot more realistic. I don’t know anything about Cooper Union, so can’t give you any advice there. You’re on the right track though!</p>

<p>Wanna <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;?&lt;/p&gt;


<p>So you’re a sophmore (college class year 2011)? Then this thread is worthless.</p>

<p>oops. i’m not a sophomore, i’m a junior … (it should say 2010, i apologize!)</p>

<p>you really need to work on the ACTs
but the ECs look great</p>


<p>Most of those schools are probably going to want closer to a 30 ACT score, but you really have a great GPA, so it shows them that you have a strong work ethic. I’d focus on upping the ACT score or doing well on your future testing, but just remember that it’s not contingent solely on the testing. Good luck!</p>


<p>Well, assuming you do get a 31 on the ACT </p>

<p>Duke University- low reach
Cooper Union - ?
Cornell University -mid reach
Stanford University - mid reach
University of Chicago (Alumni Relations) - low reach</p>

<p>if you DO get that 30 then
duke - slight reach
cooper union - match to slight reach
cornell - slight reach to reach
stanford - reach to high reach - VERY competitive school never know what they might do
uchicago - slight reach to reach</p>

<p>chance me back? :smiley:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>mm … to make them closer to match, what else should I add (besides an improved test score)?</p>

<p>You mention a minority summer program. If you’re AA, Hispanic or native American, I think a 29 SAT will put you in the running for most of these schools.</p>

<p>yah. it is a minority summer program for engineering, but i’m Asian American (over represented minority) so … i don’t think it’ll help me that much.</p>

<p>If you can get the ACT up to the 31-33 range, then you should do pretty well. Everything else seems pretty solid, except for the over-represented minority part. (No offense)</p>

<p>Duke University- Low reach
Cooper Union- High match, low reach
Cornell University- Reach
Stanford University- High reach
University of Chicago- Low reach but you mentioned that you were interested in engineering, they don’t offer it.</p>


<p>If there are more reccomendations to schools that I shouhld be looking into, that would be great. I am flexible what i’m interested such a Pre-Med and Pre-Law.</p>
