Chance me at USC, NYU and UMich [CA resident, 3.95/1440 for Poli Sci or Public Policy]

Before you apply to all highly competitive reach schools, please read this thread I’m about to link. It’s older…but admissions have become even more competitive since it was written. No one expected a NMF, class val, excellent ECs, high GPA and SAT scores, excellent LOR, etc…to not get accepted anywhere but that’s what happened. This kid didn’t really have a sure thing for admission the first time he applied to colleges. I won’t give away the happy ending, but after taking a gap year, he did land on his feet. BUT he had a really lousy ending to his senior year in high school.

You need some sure things for admission. Places that are affordable and that you will be happy to attend. Find two. These are the hardest to target. It’s easy to find reach schools. Do these sure things…and start looking today.

Here is the thread: