Chance me at UW Madison

Unweighted GPA(4.0 scale):3.6

I got all B’s and a couple C’s freshman year
I got all All B’s first two six weeks Sophomore Year, and All A’s straight across the rest of the year
I Got all A’s Junior year

SAT score:1510(I plan on retrying)

Freshmen year:AP Human Geography, Double blocked Pre-AP Geometry and Pre-AP Algebra 2
Sophomore Year: PAP Precalc, AP Physics1, AP Environmental science, AP Seminar, GT Humanities(AP World)
Junior Year: AP Physics C, AP Research, AP Calculus BC, AP European history, AP US History
I’m taking at least 4 AP’s Senior Year

100 volunteer hours

I got the President Honor award in 8th grade

I am considering either Business or CS

I live in Texas

I know my GPA is a bit low, but I hope my demanding course load and high SAT score will make up for that


Also how much aid can I get? I definitely cannot pay 50k per year. Maybe closer to 30k would be good?

Most likely as a non-Wisconsin resident you will get $0 aid from UW-Madison. You should apply to an affordable school in your home state.

Are you an underrepresented minority?


Looks good for being accepted. The upward gpa trend means your recent gpa is great- upward trend means a lot.

However, the reality is finances- the reason many top students go to their instate flagship U.

you have 2 threads going.

Yeah because I added EC’s to the other one

Forget this one, comment on the other thread

I really don’t want to go instate. Not that I have anything against Texas, I just want to go away from home, get prepared for the real world, and understand what it feels like to be independent.

I’m just going through that time in my life right now

Oh and I wrote a decent essay about how I wasn’t serious about my life in 9th grade, hence the ow grades, but I transitioned into a more adult and mature person in 10th grade, and developed goals.

Many of us wanted to leave for college but couldn’t because of money. Being accepted is only part of the equation. What you want and what is reality are two different things. Be prepared to love one of your top tier Texas U’s.

Unweighted GPA(4.0 scale):3.6

I got all B’s and a couple C’s freshman year
I got all All B’s first two six weeks Sophomore Year, and All A’s straight across the rest of the year
I Got all A’s Junior year

Upward grade trend

SAT score:1510(I plan on retrying)

Freshmen year:AP Human Geography, Double blocked Pre-AP Geometry and Pre-AP Algebra 2
Sophomore Year: PAP Precalc, AP Physics1, AP Environmental science, Pre-AP Chemistry, AP Seminar, GT Humanities(AP World)
Junior Year: AP Physics C, AP Research, AP Calculus BC, AP European history, AP US History
I’m taking at least 4 AP’s Senior Year

100 volunteer hours
Academic Decathlon for 9&10(Made the team)
Key Club 11
Science Competition Team(Scythe) 10&11
DECA 10&11

I am considering either Business or CS

I live in Texas

I know my GPA is a bit low, but I hope my demanding course load and upward grade trend, as well as my high SAT score will make up for that. I also triple blocked science sophomore year and was in the Science competition team 10th & 11th grade

And I really need some aid. I can’t pay the 50k/year. I was hoping for something closer to 30k/year


One of the reasons the state schools take in OOS applicants is to help offset lower cost paid by residents. Wisconsin charges a $25K premium for OOS. Some states, and ones with great business schools, charge less and provide merit aid.