chance me at uw madison

I’m a 16 year old female living in Illinois. I go to a pretty large public school in the Chicago suburbs. Right now I’m in all honors and plan to take about 13 AP classes. My GPA is 3.843 as of right now. On my PSAT i got a 1140 with a 570 in both math and English. I have been speaking Spanish for 4 years and am on track to be bilingual by next year. As for extra curriculars, I have played French Horn for 5 years until I quit last year to switch to choir, which I am in the honors program for. I have a leadership position; librarian of honors concert choir. I have also been in the Spring musical and Madrigals for two years now and will do it until senior year. This year, I was nominated for an anti-bullying club by one of my teachers. This year I plan to join American Sign-Language club at my school. Chance me?

I also have 100+ hours of community service and plan to major in Political Science

Please stop. It’s not your time yet.

Your age is irrelevant, your current grade is. If you are a HS senior do apply. Otherwise next year.

@cici955 , are you a sophomore? Too early to focus on this stuff.