Chance me, capt'n! :)

<p>Hello everyone,
I'm a sophomore at a Community College in NYC, I've started looking for colleges recently to transfer to for Fall 2009. I'm not too sure if my average is good enough for some of the schools I want to apply to or how I measure up to other students applying to the same schools. If someone could check this information over and let me know your thoughts, that would be awesome and GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!</p>

<p>My Stats:
College GPA: I'm waiting for this semester's grades to come in but as of now it's a 3.4
HS GPA: 3.2
APs: English and US History
Major: I want to major in English and possibly either double major or minor in Art/Art History.</p>

<p>Other stats:
Won Peter Vallone Scholarship from CUNY
Won Rachelle Goldsmith Award at my school
Phi Theta Kappa member
I take from 2-3 honors classes a semester</p>

State or Country: Brooklyn, NY
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: African American/Hispanic
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Other Factors/ Extra-Curriculars:
Presidential Scholar @ Kingsborough Community College
Honors Representative
Work Study in Theater Dept.
Worked on school productions of: The Vagina Monologues, Little Shop of Horrors, Anne Frank, and one other show I can't remember the name of. LOL.
Model UN 2008
Member of Honors Club, Student World Assembly, and Poetry Club.
Spare time: photography, dance, act, and Rites of passage @ a African American organization.</p>

<p>The schools I'm interested in are:
Smith- Top choice
SUNY @ New Paltz
Cuny (might as well apply since it's free for current Cuny students)
City College of NY- Reach
Queens College
Hunter College</p>

<p>Schools I don't care for (but my parents want me to apply to):
Sarah Lawrence</p>

<p>If anyone knows any schools that have excellent English and Art programs, I may consider it. :)</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>


<p>Can someone please help me? I would appreciate it. :)</p>


<p>some of the colleges you mentioned seem to be a good deal out of reach (smith, scripps, vassar probably isnt worth even applying to with their acceptance rates). your ethnicity should help you though…colleges like temple, spelman or hunter seem to be matches or high matches and you should have a decent shot at those…out of all the colleges that you mentioned that i think you have a good shot at, suny new paltz strikes me as the best fit for what your looking for, i know a lot of people (lots of them english or art kids as well) who love it up there</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>You are deff. in at Temple.</p>