Chance Me: CC Transfer to Stanford, Stern (NYU), McIntire (UVA), Haas (Berkeley)

Hi Team,

I was just recently introduced to the community via Google and, I have to say, I’m both very thankful and impressed with the amount of information everyone provides for anxious students like myself. So, thanks everyone!

The purpose of my post is to, hopefully, have a couple of people chance me. Here are my stats:

Age: 23
Ethnicity: Hispanic (Peruvian)

High School:

2.9 GPA w/ an IB Degree - Like many transfer students, I slacked off due to personal and legal issues. My story is interesting, but common. I was an Illegal Immigrant up until 2013. Due to the cost of school, and my family’s struggling finances, I had to work to make ends meet; which impacted my grades and motivation. (I understand that having a “story” is important for transfer students, especially out of community college, which is why I am giving a brief explanation to mine.) As soon as I was legalized as a Permanent Resident, I signed up for classes. This is what I’ve been able, and expect, to achieve for my 2 years of CC.

CC: Northern Virginia Community College

*4.0 - 62 credits
*A.S. in Business Administration
*Treasurer of 2-year Honor Society
*2x Scholarship Recipient (1 in-campus competition, 1 in-state competition)
*80 hrs of community service through this year
*Full time employee - Corporate Software Sales Management and Operations




*Finance, Business Management.


*Worked in prestigious DC restaurants
*Player poker professionally
*Amateur investor

I think I’m lacking in some EC’s. But because I work and go to school full-time, I can only commit to both volunteering and taking an officer role in my Honor Society. I am also relying very heavily on using my story, age, and background to gather some form of minor edge, if at all possible.

What do you guys think? How else should I improve on what I’m projecting to have completed? Will my age be a point of weakness? Any other schools undergraduate business programs you would think I would be a “fit” for?

Thank you!

You have a solid chance at all the schools, except for Stanford and CAL. While you present a rather compelling academic record since HS, Stanford is very hard to predict as they accept about only 2% of all transfer applicants. I would say, they will give you a serious look if you can make a cohesive statement on why Stanford? As for CAL, I’m not quite sure, as I know it has an arrangement with the California CC system, for transfer students, thus impacting the seats available. Maybe one of the other CC posters can clarify on this item?

I’m not too confident on Stanford either, but I think it’s worth a shot with a properly written essay. In regards to CAL, I would appreciate it if someone could comment on this. Through my research, it seems like they do accept external out-of-state transfer students, it just may be unlikely.

Would you happen to have any recommendations on where I would be a fit?

Thanks for the response!

For Haas, check out this thread:


You should do further research; several of the Ivy schools look for folks that have a very similar situation and record as yourself. In fact, you remind of a person I meet at Yale, who went through a similar circumstance and came through the CC system in Houston, TX. He graduated last year, and was by all accounts, a very solid student.

My biggest counsel would be to do specific homework on each school you are interested and create a nexus towards your academic goals at it relates to each respective institution.

Those are very encouraging words, I really appreciate it. I’ve done some preliminary research on the schools I listed + a few others, but I definitively plan to sit down and craft very specific admission strategies for each school. I guess I’m just sitting in my office overly anxious about my future today… I hate this feeling :(.

What you should resonate is that the future is filled with more than a few dynamic opportunities…that is very exciting.

What classes have you taken thus far @Augggg?

Hey, sorry for the late reply. If you’re still interested I’ve completed the following:


This upcoming semester:


Unfortunately, I just received a B in Statistics… My GPA is now 3.92, if that matters.