Chance me class of 2023 - college of arts and sciences

I am an Asian, female, out of state student from a competitive high school in Houston, Texas applying early action to sociology. (I put business management as my second choice major)
GPA on a weighted 4.0 scale: 3.92
Rank: 169 out of 698 (top 25%)
SAT composite: 1210 (superscore: 1240) (might not submit because it’s pretty low)
ACT composite score of 29 (superscore: 30)
APs sophomore year: World History (4)
APs junior year: US History (3), Statistics (3), Biology (3)
APs senior year: Photography, Human Geography, Macroeconomics, Government, English Literature
I am in involved in varsity lacrosse, religious youth groups, National Honor Society, volunteer work and other extracurriculars and have held various leadership positions in all of these. PLEASE BE HONEST!

You seem to be in a good standing, your ACT score and GPA can balance out with your extracurriculars. UM puts a big emphasis on what students are like outside of school for freshman applicants, and I believe you should be fine. I was accepted my freshman year with a little bit higher GPA, good SAT but less extracurriculars and I got a accepted. It’s not always about scores, usually early decisions get accepted with good academic standings because it means automatically more money for the school. I wouldn’t worry, I think you’ll be fine, girl. Wish you lots of luck and I hope you become a Cane soon! Let us know once you get in.