Chance me?

Hey ya’ll. I’m hoping someone could chance me for University of Miami. I’m currently a junior & these are my stats as of right now.
Female Hispanic from FL
GPA: 3.883 (UW)/ 4.220 (Weighted)
Tests: ACT=29 (Am planning to retake) Haven’t taken SAT yet.
APs: Human Geo, APUSH, APWH, English comp.
EC’s: Been playing the violin for 7 years. (Section leader sophomore year)
Student tutor for APUSH
Been playing softball since sophomore year, however not for school
Taking care of nephew since middle school most evenings & weekends
Community service at local library
First year in key club
I haven’t been able to participate in much EC’s/ take on a leadership roles because of the responsibility I had of taking care of my nephew & lack of transportation.

I think that you will get in to both THE []_[] and UF, but UF will be much less expensive.