Hello! I’ve applied to these schools and am really nervous. Please chance me!
School: Prestigious private school in NYC; must be accepted into AP Courses. All courses are comparable to honors in public school
GPA: School doesn’t do but if calculated around 3.4-3.5
ACT: 31
Rank: School doesn’t do rank
APs: AP Psychology, AP Biology
- 4 Years Varsity Track Outdoor
- 3 Years Varsity Track Indoor
- 2 Years Varsity XC
- 3 Years ukulele club; president senior year
- 2 years guitar club
- 3 years chorus club
- 2 years girls choir
- 1 year community service teaching ukulele to kids during COVID on zoom
- 1 year Independent study on neuropsychiatric condition
Work Experience:
- 6 years Secretary at Law office doing administrative work on files
- 3 years at Cashier at grocery store
- CIT for a year
- Worked at beach for a year
- Tutoring children in music and homework
For me to be helpful, I would need the name of the school or one that is of similar level. Also, it seems you are going test optional? Thank you.
I do not know much about Tulane. IMHO the rest are reaches. BU is probably your best chance of these, but I still think that it is a reach.
What are your safeties? Are you in-state in New York?
A comparable school is Dalton
Yeah these are all of my reaches so i’m just curious. i’m from NYC. I’ve been accepted to st. john’s, Ohio State University, Penn State, and am waiting on Syracuse, Stony brook, Boston College, Villanova, and NYU
I don’t know why i put tulane — was deferred from Ea
Congratulations! You are already in at some very good universities. Hopefully this takes the stress down a notch.
Best of luck with this.
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Thank you! My mother is expecting way more than that unfortunately, so i’m hoping i can manage to get into even one of the above…
Do you have any idea where you stand, percentile-wise, in your class? Is the highest GPA that anyone at your school can possibly attain a 3.5, and you have a 3.4?
With no test scores, and no percentile or rank, it’s difficult to chance you. Your extracurriculars are at the school level, mostly show participation.
Most people who are getting into T20 schools have taken and done well in many AP classes.
Honestly, I think that your best info on chance would come from looking at how students from your school with your credentials have done in past years, since from what you say, your private high school is so prestigious that perhaps colleges would see great rigor in ordinary classes at your school.
I think you need a couple of safety schools. From what I can see, BU and Northeastern are high matches/low reaches for you, the Ivies are dream schools, and you have no safeties in this list, unless, of course, you have some other hook - URM or child of wealthy donor.
If you look above, i posted all of my target / safeties 
i would say it top 50%. people definitely get 4.0’s, but it’s difficult to take many AP’s because they’re super picky about how many sections and students per class they allow (12 kids per class, 2/3 sections) for AP’s. it’s a little difficult to compared me to others because a lot of them are just very wealthy legacies. I know a guy who graduated last year with no EC’s but decent test score and 3.5 GPA and goes to cornell now. lots of “lower” GPA kids still going to good schools
Oh, now I see that. You’ve already gotten into some good schools! Penn State has become quite competitive (at least for the State College campus). And Ohio State is great, too. Don’t worry. You will have some good choices. Don’t let the pressure get to you. Just try to do the best you can on your grades right now, because they will be sent to the colleges.
I am actually really proud of myself — went from a B/B+ student to an A- student starting junior year. It does suck though because my school went pass fail last semester so those don’t show, but i have straight A-‘s now. Thank you for your insight — i’ll try not to let it get to me. I’ll just have to see what happens. i’m very impatient though
Because of the school you come from, and assuming you have a somewhat equal number of A’s and B’s… I will give you a slightly better than 50% chance of getting into BU and Northeastern. Note that neither one is safe. As I know, you know, your counselor’s advisement should drive your thinking. What did he/she say?
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You and most everyone else, it seems. That is the way they do it at Tulane.
BC and NYU are good pulls. In most instances, for most students, they are more difficult to be admitted to than BU and NU. I realize your school is different and that gives you very different odds (often much better) at particular universities.
BC is the least selective school in this group. While true that students at some schools will see different results, in most instances acceptance patterns will follow the below acceptance rates:
Class of 2024 acceptance rates:
BC 24%
NEU (NU is Northwestern) 20.5%
BU 18.5%
NYU 15%
And for fun, Tulane: 11%
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She said I have a pretty good chance of being accepted to BU and northeastern, but didn’t say much about Michigan. She said Cornell is a definite reach but I applied to CALS so I may have a better chance. As for UPenn, she told me only to apply if I get a 32 (I got a 31, I forgot to put that above), but my mom wanted me to apply anyways for some insane reason
@asdfgabjkl A gpa out of 3.5? That’s the only part that I’m not sure. Why would you not calculate your gpa using Rogerhub or with a gpa calculator our of a tradicional 4.0?
No it isn’t out of 3.5, I meant it’s between 3.4 and 3.5. Sorry that wasn’t clear haha