Chance me CSUF, SDSU, UCI nursing

GPA: 4.25
ACT: 28
decent essays
volunteer work + leadership experience

Please tell me my chances for CSUF, SDSU, and UCI nursing school.

@gumbymom hello, could you please chance me?

CSUF: 50/50 for Nursing but will be accepted Undeclared.
Hope you saw this on the CSUF website::
For Fall 2018 admission, the Nursing program will waitlist all top qualified applicants. Admission will be offered to the top 20-30 students from the waitlist pool.

SDSU: 50/50. They do accept more applicants than CSUF but they also have higher # of applicants and do not offer an alternate major so if you are not accepted to Nursing, you are not accepted at all.

UCI: Low Reach due to the very low acceptance rate of 3.5%

With such competitive admissions for all these Nursing programs, all will be tough. Do you have any other schools on your list?

@Gumbymom Thank you so much for your response! I already got my acceptance from other cal states but I mainly wanted to go to CSUF, SDSU, or UCI due to their direct entry program.