Chance me ED1 (Test Optional)

Out of State (Illinois) (ED1)

Demographics: African-American Female, Both of My parents are immigrants from Ghana with citizenship (not First Gen)

Gpa: UW: 3.97, W:4.70
Class Rank: UW: 2/750 W:6/750

(Public School in Illinois; Not Extremely Competitive IMO, but I’ve never gone anywhere else lol)

SAT: Applying Test-Optional

Aps- ApHuge(4), ApGov(4), ApLang(5), ApPsych (Didn’t take AP Test), Apush (Didn’t take AP Test)
Senior Year Aps- ApCalc, Ap Bio, ApLit


  • Designated Youth Officer for My church (4 years)
    • Execute volunteer opportunities through non-profit orgs: 4,000+ meals through FMSC, annual clothing drive to impoverished communities in West Africa
  • Business Manager and Pillar Leader for NHS (2 Years)
    • Responsible for affiliating non-profit organizations, coordinated sign-up for 150+ blood drive donors, Tracking 10,000+ vol. hours for all members
  • Co-Founder and Honorary member of My Faith 'University"
    • stimulating and enriching young minds in an effort to maintain a healthy academic-work-religious balance: accumulated 60 loyal members w/in a year.
  • Member of Poetry and Book Drive Subcommittee in National English Honors Society (3 Years)
    • Collaborate ideas to build reading and writing awareness in our school and community as a whole through literary-based fundraising.
  • Member of International Culture Club (4 years)
    -A primary focus in learning about other countries, cultures, and languages: Presented and discussed my West African heritage to group members.
  • Mezzo-Soprano & Pianist in Training in Youth Choir (4 years)
    • Strategize songs and piano performances for “youth Week”; Aid “Children’s Ministry” in annual Christmas carols at three local nursing homes
  • Group Dancer for Nhyira Mma
    • Recreational dance team with a primary focus in executing ‘Afrobeats Dance’ originating in Sub-Saharan Africa. “Revolution” Winners at a community level


  • Common App: I think it’s pretty good, I chose the prompt about “what someone has done for you that has made you thankful in a surprising way” I talked about my parents winning the diversity lottery and coming to America, leaving their families (7 mo old daughter) to come to a new place) I related it back to myself and how their perseverance has motivated me.

  • Supplement Essay: I actually love this essay. I talked about the first time I saw the school (when we dropped off my sister at St. Louis College of Pharmacy 6 years ago). As well as some aspects of the school that I love and match up with y personal goals and beliefs.


  • My first Letter of rec is from my AP bio teacher who I have now, and who had me for freshman year honors Bio. I think it’s a very strong one.

  • Currently debating giving another LOR from either my AP Lang Teacher. It won’t be as strong as my first due to classes being online last year, and my counselor advised me to just do the required LOR.

Overall, very nervous! This has been my dream school since seventh grade and I’ve worked extremely hard to hopefully get in! Any advice is appreciated! Also if you’re able to let me know how my merit-based scholarships would work if I were to get accepted!)

(I did visit the school and email admissions officers BUT I know demonstrated interest is no longer considered. Hoping that by applying ED1 I’m showing my extreme interest. I feel like a big bummer on my application are my test scores but hopefully, my gpa makes up for it.)

I think you sound like a really strong candidate, especially if you ED. I would consider using their video option in the application to show more about who you are and how you would fit in on their campus.

They were truly test optional last cycle and approximately the same percentage were accepted with and without scores. Your class rank should help.

I’m not positive but I think the merit based scholarships come later after they announce acceptance to ED.

Good luck to you! I wish you all the best.


Thank you so much!