Chance me ED2 please!

Race: White
Gender: Male
Economic Status: Higher
City: Hinsdale, IL
I go to the best Public School in the State so it is very competitive.
GPA. 4.86 (on 6pt scale)
AP’s/Honors: I have only taken 4 regular courses all of high school English 1 Latin 1-3/4 all of the rest were AP/Honors (13 honors, 9 AP’s)
SAT/ACT: I didn’t submit
Ec’s: Junior/Senior Varsity captain of sailing team
Working at a free healthcare clinic on the South side of Chicago
Going to India to an orphanage to work with doctors and working with the same organization domestically
Church Youth group Leader
Band Section Leader
Worked 2 Jobs
I’m on exec board of a club at my school called Ambassadors club
NHS inductee
My essay: I wrote about coming out in a largely wealthy and republican town and how it created a meaningful dialogue

I’m not very familiar with 6-point grading scales, but assuming it scales proportionally, that’s the equivalent of 3.24 on a 4.0 scale. That’s “below the curve” of admitted students’ GPAs. With 13 honors and 9 APs, does your school provide a weighted GPA? Something weighted, I assume, would be fairly higher. And not having a high test score to balance out your GPA hurts, too.

Outside of academics your EC’s look pretty good. How many hours a week do you work? Working two jobs (if for 20+ hours) would help compensate for your GPA.

Depending how you answer the above questions (weighted GPA and hours worked) I’d rate you somewhere in the “reach” category.

I do work 20+ hours a week and my school does provide a weighted GPA (our scale is 6=A in honors/ap, 5= A in reg and B in honors/ap)

did you get in?