Chances of admission at GW

I’m curious about my chances at GW. It has become one of my top choices. Please let me know what you think or offer advice for applying there!

GPA - 3.88 unweighted
SAT - 1390
Will graduate with 3 Honors, 7 AP classes
AP Scholar (4 on Human Geo, 4 on APUSH, 5 on English Lang)
NHS, SHS, Mu Alpha Theta
Varsity Track
News editor on school paper
Co-Director of mental health magazine
Founded book club at school
Auditioned choir
Created intro journalism program for middle schoolers
Volunteer as tutor


I think you are a good match for GW. You have a lot of what they like to see. Good luck!

what state are you coming from and will you be applying ED or RD, and how much aide will you need. But otherwise you seem like you will have no issues getting in

Illinois, RD and however much the school is able to provide (though I don’t necessarily need a ton)