You cannot get money as an undergraduate under age 24 unless you meet very stringent requirements to be classified as an independent student. @sybbie719 is most knowledgeable about what the requirements are and what parental info needs to be submitted in addition to FAFSA , to get NY State TAP, Excelsior and other financial aid in state. Hopefully, she chimes in. Without release of financial information , getting financial aid is not going to happen. For some of the schools on your list, your non Custodial parent and spouse if married need to give it up as well as your Custodial parent and spouse. Family businesses are also assessed in more detail on the CSS PROFILE required by those schools that tend to be most generous with financial aid. That’s what it takes to get financial aid.
Your list is entirely unrealistic without some money source. If your parents refuse to give you a commitment on what they will pay And Refuse to fill out the financial aid info forms that are more invasive than both a root canal and a colonoscopy, then you have only what you can pay out of your own earnings and savings You can live at home, work, and pay as you go to a local CUNY. That is how many, many NYers go to school for the same reasons you may have to go this route. THAT is your
If your Custodial parent (and spouse if remarried) fill out the FAFSA, you will be entitled to take out $5500 in student Direct Loans. $100k in come is not going to get you any PELL money. You also need to complete NY state TAP forms to get access to the Excelsior , if you are eligible. You could get your tuition in NY pretty much covered with the Excelsior. Do read up on it, all of the current requirements and rules . Still, room/board and other expenses even at SUNY schools can
add up easily to $12-18k depending upon the school. By looking at price points and outside housing availability and prices, you can maybe live away at college if you work summers and parttine and take out that loan. Also would need some help from parents. It would be doable
There are also schools in
The entire Financial Aid and Scholarships section on this forum has material that is most relevant to you. Finances are going to be a big deal in your college search. You do not have the luxury and privilege of just going through college lists and picking out these name recognition schools if you are serious about the reality of attending a college because you need money. Some of those schools cost upwards to $80k a year, and you need someone to pay it. Without complete financial disclosure on financial aid forms from both parents or a blank check to pay the full cost , some of those schools are a no go for you.
The other way to go is with merit scholarships that require no financial information. The problem with that, is that your test score numbers are not high enough to get you a full ride. Some of the most generic sure thing merit awards is given by University of Alabama Huntsville. Take a look at where you fall in their merit awards. Still more cost than a full tuition NYS Excelsior award.
Some schools like Davidson ( a favorite of mine and in your list), Washington &Lee do have full ride scholarships. Though , I believe everyone who things they have a chance of snagging an accept or award to go for them, I also believe that they do a reality check in what prior awardees have in the way of resumes. They will be high reaches, lottery tickets, but still try. Full ride if you get.
Full rides with your gpa and test scores are not findableas sure things. I’m looking specifically for them for a cousin’s son, and the likelihood of his getting any are extremely small. For $15-25k, there are some possibilities. You are fortunate that you are in NY with ever so many options available at under those price points.
Until you get commitments from your parents in what they will pay in firm $ amounts, and some idea, how much or little financial aid you can expect based on firm numbers regarding 2018 income as will be verified by tax forms, and current assets, you cannot realistically proceed.