Chance me for Bing EA?

I’m a high school senior from NY. I’m a white female from a middle class family, and my twin sister also applied to Binghamton EA.

I applied Undeclared in the College of Arts and Sciences.

GPA: 94.42 UW and 97.59 W
Rank: 21/345
ACT: 29
SAT (old M&R): 1220

AP/College Courses:
Junior year I took AP US History, AP English Language & Composition, and AP Environmental Science. Senior year I am taking AP Macroeconomics, Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) English (WRT 105 and ETS 18), SUPA Public Affairs (PAF 101), SUPA Forensic Science (CHE 113), and SUNY Orange: Introduction to Statistics.

3 years of ski club
participant in the community service club
2 year NHS member
2 year Science Honor Society member
1 year Math Honor Society member
Secretary of the Tri-M Music Honor Society
Actively involved in my school’s music department and have been playing trombone for 7 years

I also work at a local ice cream/mini golf establishment and oversee the whole business.
