<p>Hi guys,</p>
<p>What are my chances of getting into SUNY Bing (I applied EA… no answer yet).</p>
<p>GPA: 89.5 UW
Class Rank: N/A
ACT: 26 (i know)
High School: Very Competitive (top 50)
APs/Honors: 6/5</p>
<p>AP Euro Hist 3
AP US Hist 4
AP Psych 4
AP Macro
AP Micro
AP Stats</p>
<p>Honors Alg I
Honors Bio
Honors World Geo
Honors English
Honors Civics</p>
<p>President of SADD (Ex-Treasurer)
Student Council Assembly and ex-Marketing Coordinator
DECA Member
Internship at a Dental Office
FBLA Member
Key Club Member
Jr. Team Leader for Volunteer Corp</p>
<p>Solid Essays
Challenging Senior year schedule</p>
<p>Yeah, Harpur Econ Major</p>
<p>I’m not familiar with common ACT scores for Harpur, but you have a chance I think.
Your GPA is a little low and your ACT is a little low but everything else looks pretty good, so you have a chance</p>
<p>I’m going to chance you because our usernames happen to be similar and because I am a Bing EA applicant (and an accepted one… probably attending.)</p>
<p>You GPA and ACT are toward the bottom of their middle 50% range, but your EC’s are solid. I’ll give you a coin-flip chance of getting in… 50% shot.</p>
<p>I go to a very competitive HS in NYC as well. I can understand how your average might be a 90 but I don’t understand why your act and ap scores are so low… Well I would say your chance is fair because of the ecs and “solid essay”</p>
<p>I hope you get in! Those are like exactly my stats too</p>
<p>Thanks for chancing me guys….
I just got deferred today…
how disappointing!</p>
<p>You should have known that already… All of the letters that came after the break were either deferrals or rejections.</p>
<p>SUNY’s and CUNY’s are all about gpa and sat. Extra curric’s dont mean **** to them. That “fluff” like rec’s, ec’s, etc. is much more important to small liberal arts colleges.</p>