Chance me for Early Action SUNY Binghamton University!

9th Grade- Weighted- 4.52 Unweighted-3.95
10th Grade- W- 3.8 UW-3.6
11th Grade- W-3.68 UW-3.53

SAT scores:(waiting on results from November and taking again in December)
1st time:
Reading: 630
Writing: 600
Math: 460

2nd time:
Reading: 580
Writing: 650
Math: 530

-Editor in chief of yearbook
-editor in chief of literary magazine
-President of photography club
-President and founder of animal rights club
-Student representative
-Writer for Newspaper
-Future Business Leaders of America
-Book Club
-Fashion Club
-Volleyball team 9th/10th grade
-worked at camps over summer
-tutored underprivileged children

What major are you applying to?

Are you in NY, what is your overall GPA, and what school are you applying to? I’m inclined to say your SAT scores are a bit too low but the leadership involvement might make up for it (even though it seems like you’re spread a bit too thin).

Hi I applied EA to Bing and I’m anxious to know my chances of getting accepted!! I have a 4.0 unweighted gpa (107.35 weighted percent grade), 1800 SAT, and do A LOT of extracurricular activities! Is there anyone who is currently in SOM and had similiar grades as me when you applied?! Thank you!

@polkadots1997 I think you’ll be fine in EA but if not in RD. . I don’t know anyone who was declined at Bing with those stats