What are my chances at Binghamton?

I applied EA with a 3.7711 GPA and a 1290 on the SAT. I plan on majoring in Psychology. As far as activities I am the President of a club at my school that hosts monthly concerts to promote drug awareness, I am the vice-president of an organization started by my friends and I where we host concerts to connect local teen musicians from across the Hudson Valley, I am also stage manager for my school’s productions (play/musical). I also am in the middle of a research study conducted by me and my teacher on how music affects the human psyche. As well as all of this, I have spent the past two summers working as a counselor to children ages 2-4. I also was a member of my school’s GSA and student government. I understand for EA Bing looks at test scores overall but I hope my resume will help me. Thank you!

I also have only taken 1 AP but throughout my high school career I have mainly taken honors classes or college courses offered at the High School level (SUPA, UAlbany, etc)

do these stats have a decent chance:
ACT 26
94.48/4.0 GPA
6 AP classes and two college credit courses
Honor roll in all four years of HS
Captain of vball team
president of the anti bias team
( a lot more extra circulars)
great essays