Chance me for Binghamton, FALL 2018 TRANSFER

@CuseMan44 Please know that almost all SUNY school care most is your GPA and classes you have taken when transferring, they do not require anything other than your transcript. It’s possible to transfer to SUNY with a 2.0, it depends on which campus of SUNY schools. If a school require you to write an essay to provide a transfer reason, then the school cares things other than your numbers. Other than that, I would say GPA is the most important part of transferring, then essays. I am not trying to mislead statement, numbers matter a lot when coming to the admissions process, I agree with you that lackluster GPA with a great essay explaining your situation may help you get into top school, but it does not happen in everyone’s case.

@UNCISMYDREAM …once again, I don’t see how you can say that about SUNY schools with no evidence. But I’m getting nowhere with this lol, so think what you want but for people reading this, every application is different, and numerous SUNY schools are not hard to transfer into if you spend time on your essay, regardless of grades (Obviously if you have a 1.0 you wont get in, but anything above a 2.0 will be good enough for some schools).