Chance me for Boston college RD


US domestic: US citizen

State/Location of residency: Cypress, Texas, US

Type of high school: Incoming Freshman, competitive suburban public school w class size at 900.

Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): Female, Hispanic

Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.): First-gen

Intended Major(s): 1. Economics Alt. Finance

Weighted HS GPA 5.03/4.0

Class Rank: 98/900 top 10%

ACT/SAT Scores: test opt


*(AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes:

AP Human Geography - 4 (2019) AP World History - 3 (2020) AP Psychology - 3 (2020) AP Capstone Seminar - 3 (2020) AP Research (2021) AP biology 2021 AP English Language - 3 (2021) AP US History - 3 (2021) AP Macroeconomics - (now) AP Statistics - (now) AP Calculus AB - (now) AP Spanish Language - (now) AP English Literature - (now)

DE US Government and politics - 100/100

Unusual academic electives: 4 year Medical/Clinical hs pathway. enrolled in my school’s competitive clinicals class for seniors. (Max 13 students, will receive CMA and shadowing health professionals at a top hospital


President’s National student volunteering award gold (teen)- 100hrs+ (9-10 grade)

AP Scholar with Honors

President’s National Student volunteering Award silver (young adult) 175-249 hrs (10-11 grade)

2022 All-district undefeated no 1 doubles pair and. All district varsity tennis player for 9,11,12 grades, 10 is corona year

NHS member 12th grade


Community service | 6yrs at a nonprofit: a. Community service volunteer: 474hrs. b. VP of Programs 2021-2022: Researched local guest speakers, led younger class meetings.

Career Oriented | School Clinicals program shadowee at a top ranked hospital 2022-2023

4hr/wk, 23 wk/yr: Interacted with patients, assisted nursing staff in providing clinical care across many specialties, medical assistant certification.

Research | Summer student researcher at a nonprofit science research program 2022, 13hr/13wk: Computational Modeling Research FTO pyrazole inhibitors for obesity and diabetes. Presented this group project in summer symposium to peers and researchers. 1 of 200 from applicant pool of 800+

Internship | Intern Student at a University Research Center’s program for Nutrition Science 2022, 3hr/5wk: Nutrition seminars; (lab science, research methods) published
independent nutrition research project and presentation to peers and researchers.

Internship | Research journal editor for a nonprofit for underprivileged youth in STEM, 2021 (12hr/13wk)

Peer-analyzed, developed publication for scientific research papers and blog posts of #, #, # scholars within nonprofit, met with scholars for edits.

Athletics Varsity | 9, 11, 12 10hr/wk, 52 wk/yr. Varsity Tennis Athlete at school. 20+hrs/wk/3yrs, line 2 singles, line 1 doubles, learned strategy, teamwork, positivity. Trained every 3 days for 3hrs after school, some weekend tournaments. (2 hrs for other tennis days)

Other Club/ Activity | 9, 10, 11, 12 2hr/wk, 40wk/yr. General member, volunteer, competitor at my school’s HOSA club. 60hrs/4 yrs volunteering through Houston marathons, charities, and nonprofits. 24 meetings, placed in top 10 in 2022 area competition.

Research | (20hr/1 wk) 2021 Student Participant, at a well known national hospital, research institute training program: Participated in biochemistry, immunotherapy, gene editing, infectious disease, public health, biomedical research discussions, observed medical board.

Community Service Volunteer | NHS general member at my hs, 12 grade only, 7.87hr/wk, 4wk/yr. Volunteered 31.5 hrs, 4.0+ gpa, participated in winter and fall community service projects, responsible for finding individual service hours

Internship | 11th grade, 2hr/7wk. Congressman Policy Researcher Intern. Assisted research team in writing demographics, opposing candidates for assigned races, districts. Learned political campaigning intricacies.

im also catholic and have church service hours


Junior yr English teacher: 9/10

Senior yr english teacher: 8.5/10

Cost Constraints / Budget

EFC: 16k

BC fills approximately half of its class in the ED rounds. That makes it tough to get in RD even with top notch stats. However, I think you have a better chance than most given your URM status and first gen. Being from Texas will also probably help. As a Jesuit school, BC is big on community service, so you EC’s should also help. As far as your major goes, are you applying to MCAS (Arts and Sciences school) or CSOM (Business school)? It’s more difficult to get in applying to CSOM.


CSOM. But I’m also fine with applying for MCAS if it’s very difficult

They are both difficult to get into, especially RD - CSOM is just a little more so. You can apply to MCAS and major in economics and do some type of finance minor. That said, I would apply to the school that you think fits you best and don’t worry about differences in the admission rates. Good luck.

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So if you’re 98/900 - you said top 10%. Is that a typo or is your math wrong.

While it’s a small difference and BC doesn’t list their % by rank, you can be assured with a 17% acceptance rate (and that includes the higher ED) and ACT scores where they are that a big chunk will be from the top 10% and based on your math you’re a bit outside. And they note rank as important.

While you’re from Texas which normally should help and I’m surprised at this, they give geography and state of residence as non-considered in CDS. But they do like first gen. Your AP scores are another thing that will work against you - because score wise - they are consistently not where they need to be. I’m not sure if they factor those in - but I can see where they can make an assessment from them.

You are very very impressive - so you have a good chance based on the average chance. But if the average chance is in the 8-15% range, that chance isn’t great to begin with.

You’re going to be a huge asset to many a school. BC is going to be tough - but keep the faith.

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Thank you for the advice! Yes the math is incorrect, and I do fall a little outside 10%. I know many schools rank things differently on the CDS, but what are your thoughts on getting acceptances from more higher ranked schools? I’m starting to consider BC ED2 as an option, since I submitted apps for schools like Notre dame, wake forest, upenn (cas), and duke.

Is the class rank reported on your transcript?

Have you received any acceptances/deferrals/denials yet? Any affordable acceptances? If not, what is your affordable safety/highly likely school?

Applying ED2 to BC could make sense, but have you run the NPC to make sure it looks like it would be affordable?


I’d say ED depends on is BC your clear favorite, can you afford it?

Obviously the others are all reaches. Doesn’t mean they won’t happen but like BC are hard gets.

Which assured school have you applied to that you’d be jazzed to go to and can 100% afford ?

Yes, 98/100 is from my school’s letters on my rank reporting.
So far, I got deferred from UVA econ, UGA econ, and accepted to SMU finance w scholarship. SMU is still pretty expensive, and is the most expensive of all on my list after running the NPC. The most cheapest option is actually upenn given its full need. BC is within reach if I apply to scholarships, so it’s not too bad, but still a little higher than average.
My safety is instate- a&m college station for finance

So far, I got deferred from UVA econ, UGA econ, and accepted to SMU finance w scholarship. SMU is still pretty expensive, and is the most expensive of all on my list after running the NPC. The most cheapest option is actually upenn given its full need. BC is within reach if I apply to scholarships, so it’s not too bad, but still a little higher than average.
My safety is instate- a&m college station for finance

Tamu might be highly likely for admission, but you are outside the top 10% in rank. Mays business school is probably not highly likely…what does your HS GC say?

Penn is a very high reach and not likely to happen.

What scholarships are you hoping to get at BC? What is your budget and what does their NPC say?

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My GC said that in the past, there have been a couple of students that fell a little outside the top 10%, but have had considerably less academic rigor and ecs still get in, one student I know (non-legacy) had this case 2 years ago, and she applied as a business major with a finance minor.
I agree with penn, it’s a very far outlier school

I probably wont qualify for merit scholarships from BC. Because BC is full need, the institutional grant is around 50k, giving me an estimated net price of 35k. This is an expensive price, so I’m relying on outside scholarships to help lower the cost, loans, and also getting a job during summer to help pay.

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My out of pocket budget is 35k. The NPC for BC is 31k, so its pretty expensive. This probably means that I will stick to applying regular, although I know in the future there’s potential for paying more. I’m just a little lost on my chances at some schools

The problem with applying to a university is not whether you’re qualified, which you obviously are, but whether you are similar to or different from the other well qualified candidates. Every year applicants are rejected who look just like other applicants who are accepted. The problem from the university’s perspective is that they just don’t have enough spots for all the well qualified applicants.

So, the question is, do you look like the other candidates which BC routinely sees? The good news is that you don’t.

First, you are from Texas. BC has a stated goal to bring in more students from outside the Northeast. Only 2% of their current students are from Texas. So you look like someone they’d love to bring in from that perspective.

Second, BC is lacking in diversity. You are Hispanic. Only 11% of the current student body is Hispanic. So, again you look different than the other applicants they typically see.

Third, you’re female. That doesn’t help when 5100 of the current undergrads are women and 4500 are men. So, I would try to turn this in your favor by applying to the Business School, which has more males than females. The Big Chef is right that CSOM is statistically a tougher admission. But in your case, I would take a chance and apply to that school precisely because you are a young woman and there are not quite enough students who look like you in CSOM while there are in Arts & Sciences.

In all honesty, none of us knows how good your chances are because we don’t sit on the Admissions Committee and BC is a difficult school to get admitted to. So, I’m just offering my 2 cents. Best of luck.

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If you were deferred to UGA and UVA and @Mwfan1921 notes that A&M is not a safety - what is your fall back? A Texas Tech, Houston, Texas State - other in-state public (Texas has many) that with merit will be far less than $30K+?

In other words, if you’re denied everywhere, then what’s the plan? You need that safety. SMU does not sound like it because it’s too expensive for you.


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