Chance me for Choate

<p>Wel here's some basic info:
Lived in Texas until 7th grade
Spent half of 7th grade in The Netherlands, and the other half in Northern VA.
7th grade GPA: 3.75(I was in a new country and I was like a deer caught in headlights, but when I returned to America I had a near 4.0 GPA)
Projected 8th Grade GPA: near 4.0
EC's: Theatre, theatre, theatre!!!!And choir, aswell. A bit of community service.
Financial status: comfortably middle class but I will be needing FA.
I also have dual US+Nigerian citizenship, if that counts for "diversity"
And I have an intense passion for theatre if you couldn't tell, which is unusual for a black male.</p>

<p>Add Groton to the list of schools I will be applying to. The reason I’m only applying to those two schools is because I feel that they are the best fits, and i wouldnt go to boarding school if not accepted to either of those schools.</p>

<p>Any input?</p>

<p>I think dual citizenship will help. And you seem like a good candidate. Any sports or instruments?</p>

<p>I played the tuba for 1.5 yrs and I didnt like it, and now I do choir and I love it.</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>Have you been practicing for the SSAT? I think you seem like a very good canidate…I also think that your out of the country experience would make for a very interesting essay or interview topic!
How many schools are you applying to? All HADES?</p>

<p>Well I’m applying to some of the GLADCHEMMS but no safeties because I have good PS’s in my area, and I wouldnt want my parents to spend money for a school I’m not super excited about.</p>

10 char</p>

10 char</p>