Chance me for CMU?

<p>Thanks in advance :)</p>

16 (A year younger than my fellow seniors)
Suburbs in New York</p>

<p>High School
Relatively large public school (~2000 students)
Many students from the class of 08 were accepted to extremely selective colleges such as Yale, Dartmouth and Harvard
Very competitive</p>

Weighted GPA: 4.34
Rank: 35/475
Courseload (I'll only touch upon the main classes):</p>

<p>Freshman Year* AP classes not offered*
Honors - English, Global History, Math, Living Environment
Spanish Accelerated
Symphony Orchestra</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
Honors - English, Chemistry, Math
AP World History *only AP offered this year<a href="3">/i</a>
Spanish Accelerated
Symphony Orchestra (viola)</p>

<p>Junior Year
Honors - Pre-Calc, Physics, Spanish
AP - English Language (4), American History (4)
French Accelerated
Symphony Orchestra</p>

<p>Senior Year
Honors Economics
AP - English Literature, Calc BC, Stat, Spanish
Symphony Orchestra</p>

<p>Standardized Testing
May SAT:
Reading - 710
Math - 730
Writing - 640</p>

<p>June SAT:
Reading - 700
Math - 730
Writing - 680</p>

<p>Best composite score: 2120; 1440 without writing</p>

<p>I am taking SAT IIs in Math I and Spanish with Listening on November 1</p>

National Junior Honor Society
National Honor Society
Certificate of Achievement as a Student Leader [in my county]
AP Scholar Award</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities
Stage Crew – Grades 9-12
Key Club – Grades 10-12
Honors String Ensemble – Grades 10-12
General Organization – Grades 10-12
French Club – Grades 11-12
Grade 10: General organization representative; Grade 12: Vice President
National Honor Society Club – Grade 12
Service to School Director
Spanish Club – Grade 10
Pit Orchestra for School Musical – Grade 10, 12</p>

<p>what is your unweighted gpa?</p>

<p>Hey, I'm a freshman at CMU, and I had very similar details to yours (almost strangely too alike haha), if that gives you any idea ;)</p>

<p>For the record, I'm convinced that the essay is very important to get into the college; my SAT scores were nothing to write home about.</p>

<p>godbreath: I don't know my unweighted GPA... My guidance counselor hasn't told me and it isn't on my transcript.</p>

<p>silentsteps: That's great! And I am definitely working hard on the essay :)</p>