<p>Ranking: 10/1200 (Top 1%)
GPA unweighted: 4.43
ACT: 35 (10 essay)
SAT: 2310 superscored (2290 unsuperscored)
PSAT: 233
SAT2s: 800 chinese, 800 math2, 800 chemistry, 800 world history
AP Classes: Calculus BC(5), Chemistry (5), English Lang (5), Chinese (5), World History (5), European History (5), U.S. History (5)</p>
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Internship
University of Houston Chemistry Internship
SMU Electrical Engineering Internship
contributor to publication in professional journal
various volunteering organizations
business club, engineering club, student congress, speech club</p>
<p>Schools I'm applying to:
<p>Also, which should I apply to early? THANKS SO MUCH!</p>
<p>So I think you would be a decent canidate for all of these universities. Its just SO HARD TO PREDICT YOUR CHANCES. Although I noticed, your applying to all Ivy/Top Tier schools. Do you have any safties? I think you should apply to Duke ED, because your chances of getting in are like 30% !!! Compared to applying to Harvard or Stanford its like 14%. GOOD LUCK!</p>
<p>P.S. How was the Artifical Intelligence Internship at MIT? How long is the Internship? How competitive is it? It sounds really interesting.</p>
<p>Which school do you most want to attend? If it is a “toss-up”, apply to the one with the higher admit rate. You are a strong applicant, and should have a couple of really good options for highly selective schools. By the way, Stanford does not care about showing them “demonstrated interest” but Duke and Northwestern likes their applicants to show them some love. Not sure about the others.</p>
<p>Duke doesn’t care about demonstrated interest per admissions, but ED helps there with legacy. And only apply ED if you really love the school and its by far your first choice. Honestly, your stats and ECs are very impressive, so if you want to apply to Stanford EA and the others RD, I’d say you’d get into most of them. But what is your top choice now?</p>
<p>Well what is your top choice? If you have any interest in MIT, Harvard or Stanford, I highly recommend applying EA. If you want really Columbia, then ED might be best. The others I’d say you could get into most (if not all) during RD, but going the EA/RD route let’s you compare possible merit money and financial aid. </p>
<p>BTW: Northwestern has the highest early admit rate on your list.</p>
<p>My dream schools are MIT and Stanford, but the early action admission rates for them aren’t as high as they are for doing ED at Columbia, but I don’t like Columbia as much as MIT/Stanford. So I’m torn as to which school to apply early for. Any suggestions?</p>
<p>@Seattle Bulldog: I just started the internship and its for 3.5 weeks. It isn’t really a program, my dad’s friend is just the leader of a robotics startup company here, so I’m able to help assemble and program the bots.</p>
<p>If you really want to go to MIT or Stanford go for it. The admissions rates are slightly higher EA, and you don’t want to be thinking “Man, would I have gotten into Stanford/MIT if I applied EA” down the road.</p>
<p>Relatively safe you’d get into most of these, maybe a random reject from one for yield protection, possibly even northwestern. But holy ****, well done and congratulations.</p>
<p>I’d go EA Stanford, cause hot damn that is a beautiful campus, but that’s just me.</p>
<p>Race and gender: male and asian
intended major: electrical engineering
award: the highest award I have would probably be 1st place State for business calculations (future business leaders of america)</p>
<p>I think you have very good chances at NW.
Columbia: Reach but you might have better chances. (I think they sent likely letters to STEM people last year.)</p>
<p>All other are reach schools.</p>
<p>You need to have a lot more schools on your list (you know why).</p>
<p>Stanford (including SCEA) is pretty big reach (especially from out of state and being Asian male doesn’t help). Do you show any leadership in your school activities? How competitive is your school (do rank #10 students still get in to schools like MIT, Stanford ( I would assume not). Besides the internships/co-publishing, there aren’t many major accomplishments, unique activities or leadership (as it appears) to boost your application (especially as an Asian male). A lot of MIT/Stanford asian applicants will have outdone your accomplishments so you have to compensate in other ways. As of now they look pretty tough except NW (which seems to reject overqualified students nowadays) and maybe Duke.</p>
<p>My dad currently works and lives in California, so would that help me in any way for applying to California schools?</p>
<p>At my school last year rank 1 went to MIT, 2 to Harvard, 3 to Duke, 4 to UPenn, 5 to Yale, 8 to Dartmouth, 9 to Northwestern, 11 to Duke. And i don’t know about the others.</p>
<p>You are attending a great HS and you have great numbers and decent ECs.
So, you have chances at all the schools on your list.</p>
<p>I have no idea why I was accepted from Chicago over my friend and my friend has no idea why he was accepted from Stanford over me.
On March 30th 2012, you will feel this way too.</p>