<p>Rising Senior</p>
<p>PSAT 223 (National Merit Finalist most likely)</p>
<p>Persian-American living in Texas</p>
<p>SAT I: Math - 800
CR - 740
Writing - 670 (i know its low, but i hear that Cornell doesnt consider this??)</p>
<p>GPA : UW - 3.4ish
W - 4.1</p>
<p>Class Rank : 15%</p>
<p>Junior Schedule:
English 3 IB
US History PIB
Pre-Calc PIB
Spanish 4 IB
Biology 2 IB
ToK IB (Theory of Knowledge)</p>
<p>Senior Schedule:
English 4 IB HL
History of the Americas IB HL
Calculus IB SL
Biology 3 IB HL
Economics IB SL
Physics PIB
Speech (first semester)</p>
<p>I am an IB diploma student</p>
<p>ECs: Not too many clubs and whatnot but...I am working at a CPA firm doing accounting. I have become a valuable asset to his company (Im charged out at $60+ an hour) and will continue working there until i leave for school. I may start working soon directly for Marc Ostrofsky (look him up on wikipedia), but it is not set in stone. I am also lent out to law firms and other companies.
Also Ive played 4 years of soccer (2 varsity) at a 5A school that it number 2 in houston.
I am also an accomplished guitar player. Taught at a few summer campls, and played many concerts. </p>
<p>So judging from this what do you think my chances are of being accepted to Cornell ED?? I really wanna go!!</p>
<p>If you are making $60 an hour already, why even bother with college?</p>
<p>Anyways, as for your chancing…Unweighted GPA is a tad low, and this is what is really considered important for college, as most of them like to recalculate your GPA by their own methods. Class rank might also hurt a bit. SAT is strong, you should be okay even with that writing score, as Cornell doesn’t place much weight on it. More important is demonstrating your writing ability with a strong essay. Also good ECs, shows quality over quanitity in a big way.</p>
<p>Hmm so what do you think my chances are?</p>
(Much higher than the average applicant but not guaranteed by any means)</p>
<p>Ok thanks! Hey we’re both from Houston
what high school did you go to?</p>
<p>If you want to be a math major, Why are you taking Calculus SL and Economics SL, and Physics PIB while you are taking English HL, History HL, and Bio HL?</p>
<p>That to me is fishy.</p>
<p>UW too low, no SAT IIs?</p>
<p>For one, at my school most students dont even get to SL in Math, they take PIB Pre Cal their senior years. Econ and physics i had no room in my schedule for because i HAVE to HL in 3 classes for the IB diploma, and physics you cannot HL in at my school without taking classes over the summer, same with math. What could my ulterior motive here possibly be? To trick you into thinking i wanna be a math major when really i secretly love biology?</p>
<p>I went to Kinkaid, where do you go?</p>
<p>It’s not about trickery. If I were an admissions representative, I’d say “well if this kid loves Math so much, why not do as much as possible to take the highest math courses his school offers”</p>
<p>It doesn’t matter whether everyone else in the world takes PIB pre-cal senior year. The point is your school offers Cal HL and you should have taken it, the same as you SHOULD have taken Physics HL and Econ HL (woah, that would have been your three HLs! Whoda thunkit)</p>
<p>No way?? Coach Egg is my uncle! I go to lamar</p>
<p>Well, English and History are AUTOMATICALLY two of your HLs unless you somehow get into Econ your junior year which is near impossible, that would replace history. Theres no way to SL in English. And if you were an admissions rep. maybe you would look at my math intensive occupation or my 800 in the Math section of the SAT</p>
<p>Or you could always hope that your college counselor mentions all these things in his/her profile of the school.</p>
<p>And haha, small world.</p>
<p>Yes very small! Anyways have fun in Ithaca :)</p>
<p>sheesh 60+ an hour? Which college and major are you applying to?</p>
<p>Math, at Arts and Sciences</p>