Chance me for G.Tech & UT Austin


<p>Can you guys chance me for G.Tech and UT Austin?</p>

<p>SAT: 700M , 690W , 640CR (2030)
ACT: 31 (34R, 28E, 30M, 32S)</p>

<p>I will take subjects in January.</p>

<p>I attend a residential HS program called at UNT (University of North Texas). Basically, it's like dual-credit, but all year long high school program. It's only for 11th and 12th grade, and I was selected out of the entire state of Texas.</p>

<p>Anyways, here are a couple of my EC's and Awards:</p>

4th in AMC 10 School (9th)
Honorable Mention in Science Fair (9th)
3rd in BEST Robotics Competition (10th)
Student in the Spotlight (10th)
NATS(North American Telugu Soceity) National Math Finalist(11th)
Telugu Association of North Texas Merit Scholarship, $1000(11th)
IBM Most Innovative Award (11th)
20/20 2nd place team, $1000(11th)
Ideafest 2nd place team UNT, $100(11th)
BigD BigData Hackathon, (11th)
Murphy Center for innovation for Individual Idea, $250(11th)
1st Place in Energy and Transportation Fort Worth Regional Science Fair(11th)
US Environmental Protection Agency Special Award(11th)
Dallas Spirit of Innovation Finalist(12th)
ATT Hackathon Finalist, $100 (12th)</p>

9th Grade Class President (9th)
AMC 10/12 Club Founder & President (9th, 10th)
Robotics Club Vice President (9th,10th)
Model UN (9th,10th,11th,12th)
Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Research (11th, 12th)
Elementary Science Teacher(Paid)(10th)
Windows Phone Developer/Computer Science (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Harvest Goals [Local volunteering] Commitee Head (9th, 10th)
Cultural Volunteering
Local Hacakthons(11th, 12th)
BUILD ( (12th)</p>

<p>Please let me know.</p>

<p>Your SAT is low for GT from OOS. Why haven’t you taken your subject tests yet??</p>

<p>I’m guessing you attend TAMS. I know UT is hard to get into from TAMS due to their reliance on class rank *which is difficult at TAMS). Your ECs are good but your test scores definitely have room for improvement, making GT a reach. I’m a freshman at GT so feel free to ask me any questions</p>

<p>hmm… test score is def. on the lower side for GT, and I have that problem too. I’m applying to UT and GT from Texas. chance me back?</p>

<p><a href=“Chance for chance back! (UT-Austin, A&M, GTech, UCSD, UC-Irvine, UCLA and UC-Berkeley - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@test167‌ Yes, I go to TAMS. So GT is a reach for me? So are my chances low, or are they decent? I want to go to G.Tech, but it will be expensive unless I get a scholarship - which with my scores are probably not going to be given. </p>

<p>So, on a scale of 1-10, what do you think my chances are getting in?
On another scale of 1-10, what do you think my chances are for honors college?</p>

@vs1997‌ , you didn’t really chance me. I know my scores are low, but you should tell me if I have a chance.</p>

<p>GT, is a low match, ut austin is match. honors is going to be a reach. i think you will likely get into cockrell, but gt is gonna be a little bit more difficult.</p>

<p>Oh alright. Thx for letting me know.</p>

<p>@mangoboy GT would be a low reach at this point, not a low match like @vs1997 mentioned. Your extracurriculars look good, so if you can get your SAT to atleast a 2100 and ACT to a 32/33, you would have a solid shot at GT. Yeah you shouldn’t expect scholarships from GT even if you have high scores, but a degree from GT has one of the highest ROI so you should keep that in mind. Honors college at GT doesn’t solely rely on GPA/Test scores, it considers how quirky/unique your application is and interviews and other factors. I wouldn’t really recommend the honors college at GT.</p>

<p>You’re OOS. GT won’t give you any money even if you manage to get in.</p>

<p>Let me also list my HS Senior Year Courses: </p>

<p>First Semester:
Calculus 2
Digital Logic Design
World Literature I
U.S. History 1865-></p>

<p>Second Semester:
Computer Organization
World Literature II
Multivariable Calculus
U.S. History ->1865
Intro to Political Science</p>

<p>Also, in my last EC is an organization I started. I am the president/founder. Check it out @ </p>

<p>If possible can you chance me for MIT, Columbia and Rice also?</p>

<p>@test167‌ why wouldn’t you recommend the GT honors program? </p>