Chance me for Geneseo

<p>SAT 2030 Math 700, CR 680, WR 650
ACT 32 Math 32, English 30,Reading 34,Science 31
Subject-Physics 680, math I-700, American History-650
GPA 100(weighted)
Rank 33/497 Northport High School(NY)</p>

<p>Senior courses
AP Physics
AP Calculus
AP Envir Science
IB HL American History
IB Spanish
Project advance College English(Syracuse Univ)</p>

<p>has taken many honors classes and years prior to Senior year he has taken AP English and AP World History</p>


<p>Eagle Scout- This year he is Jr assistant to the scoutmaster
Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do
Boys state delagate(NY)
Science Olympiad-last year 2nd place in physics lab-Suffolk county
Symphony Orchcestra</p>

<p>Essay-wrote about moral dilema-discrimination within the Boy scouts of America. Wrote about the good and the bad of the Scouts, questioned whether he sould put his eagle Scout on his college resume. Finally decided to, but wants to work from within the organzation to get them to cange there policies.</p>


<p>Wow, very good chance of getting in, perhaps even honors college material. Good luck and I think you have a great shot at an acceptance.</p>