Chance me for Madison!

<p>I'm applying in-state.</p>

<p>My school doesn't do class rank.</p>

<p>4.00 UW GPA
4.05 W GPA</p>

<p>1 AP Class (taking 5 more senior year)
5 Honors classes</p>

<p>ACT = 29</p>

<p>National Honor Society
Key Club (community service)</p>

<p>Baseball Umpire (4 years)
Work at a grocery store</p>

<p>Also getting 2 letters of recommendation</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>Being from Wisconsin myself and having plenty of family and friends who went/go to UW-Madison, I’d say that unless you have a terrible essay or horrid recommendations, you’re in.</p>

<p>I say you’re in even if you don’t write the essays or get horrible recommendations… Not saying you should do it but yeah you should probably aiming a little higher.</p>

<p>Unfortunately the “aiming higher” schools may not give the needed financial aid, UW is definitely the best instate school and should be applied to. This applicant’s ACT score is below 25% of UW students. There will definitely be plenty of students who have better credentials, even if the gpa is worse. This student likely will apply to other schools, perhaps to get a cheaper education.</p>

<p>Is the 4.0 on a 4.0 scale?? What type of system does your school use??</p>

<p>You might consider taking a review course, or go the self-study approach and re-take the ACT as soon as possible. I’m not suggesting a 29 is bad, but that may be the weakest part of your credentials. I’ve read that some do better on SAT vs. ACT, so that might be worth pursuing as well.</p>

you have a 4.0 gpa and you are from wisconsin. You’ll easily get in</p>