<p>I'm currently a high school junior and I've been strongly considered going to NYU to major in either accounting or finance.
GPA: 3.86
SAT: 1940 (taken only once; will take again in March); 580 CR, 720 M, 640 W
Throughout freshman and sophomore year I took only honors courses with the exceptions of Intro to Photo, Orchestra and Varsity Choir. I got all As and A-s, 2 B+s, and 1 B
APs: English Langauge, English Literature, APUSH, Chemistry, Statistics, Physics C, Calculus BC, European History, Art History, French
Math I - 720
plan on taking Math II, Chemistry, US History, French
Honor Societies: National Honor Society, Math, History, French, Music
Top 15% of class (possibly top 10%, I honestly have no idea. I only know that the top 15% get into NHS)
Candidate for National Merit Scholarship
My ECs however are very weak and one dimesional for I have always been lazy and showed lack of compassion for almost everything.
ECs: Select Choir, Spring Musicals, All-County Choir, All-State Choir, participation in various other choruses, tutor children from low-income families for free, volunteered at senior rehablition center summer 2010.</p>
<p>I am an Asian girl who comes from six-figure income household.</p>
<p>It is a reach. Kids at my son’s school did not get accepted with your profle but if you are from out of area, you might have a better chance. Those in the NYC area or a few hours away did not get in what you now have reported. A higher CR and an impressive showing first term in BC Calc would certainly be game changers for you.</p>
<p>Try taking the ACT, and make sure NYU can tell that you want to go there more than anywhere in the world. Perhaps consider applying EDI. Then I’d say you have a fair chance!</p>
<p>1990 is all it takes to be a national merit candidate? I got 2000+ and wasn’t selected…
I totally get it though, psat is shorter which makes it a bit easier in a sense. however, I would suggest retaking the SAT and try going for 600-650 CR and 750+ math.
you’re only a junior so you have some time. GL!</p>
<p>National Merit is done by state. So like Oklahoma might have 190 as the cutoff to be a finalist (I’m making that number up, can’t remember it), but New Jersey (where I’m from) had a cutoff of 221 last year (I think :P).</p>
<p>oh I see. thanks for the info marshall!
I think I live in one of the harder states lol (this is assuming every state has the same amount of National Merit Scholars)</p>