Chance me for possibility of admission?

<p>Hello, I'm going to write my stats here, what I have so far and I'd really appreciate it if anyone can chance me. It's my first choice university.</p>

<p>Hispanic, Miami native
SAT: 1770 (I'm retaking for super scoring)</p>

<p>GPA unweighted: 3.66, weighted 6.2</p>

<p>Class rank: not sure yet</p>

<p>AP Exams since 9th grade:
AP World - 3
AP Euro - 3
AP English Lang - 5
AP Art History - 3
AP Spanish Lang - 4
AP English Lit - 4
AP Euro - 3</p>

<p>Community Service: 150+ hours
I volunteered at my science museum taking care of children for 150 hours exactly, creating lesson plans and assisting the mentor to carry out these activities.</p>

<p>Extra Curricular Activities:
Vice- President of the environmental club at my school
President of Art Club (I founded it this year)
Layout Editor (which is 3rd highest) of my high school's Literary Magazine, a nationally recognize lit mag.
The Design Director of another magazine that I work on during my spare time, where I handle all design aspects, including advertising of the magazine that is meant to represent unknown and unrepresented voices in the contemporary arts world.
Not sure if this counts but I freelance during my spare time, designing projects for clients, like brochures, magazines, media kits, posters, etc.</p>

<p>If there's any more information that I missed that would help figure out my chances, please let me know and I will post it. Thanks guys!</p>

<p>What’s the breakdown of your SAT? Miami only looks at Reading and Math, so whatever those combined out of 1600 is would be your SAT. Pending SAT scores, I think your GPA is high enough to get you in. It’s not fantastic, and they’d rather see >3.7, but I think it’ll be enough. A lot also depends on the strength of the applicant pool. Miami’s becoming more and more attractive to better and better students, so if there are a lot of really high-stat applicants that could decrease the probability of you being admitted as well.</p>

<p>Oh, I didn’t know about the SAT scoring - without my writing, it would be a 1150 (650 reading, 500 math), so I really do need to focus on my SAT. </p>

<p>If I apply early action, would that help my chances or is it still the same no matter due to my stats? Just for reference.</p>

<p>If Miami is really your first choice and you are positive you’ll be able to afford it, then you should apply early decision. That should help your chances.</p>

<p>I would say it’s actually more beneficial to apply EA. Historically, UM has a lower acceptance rate for ED than for EA or RD. Now, it should be said that this could be due to a lower average applicant pool for ED than the other two, however this hasn’t been confirmed or denied. EA gives you a little more lee-way in terms of options; Miami was by far my first choice, however I still didn’t want to prematurely commit myself before finding out about financial aid and scholarships. So, it’s up to you whether you want to take the risk of applying ED over EA.</p>

<p>I’ll be able to afford it and make it happen though I’m also hoping for scholarships to help and wait for a financial aid packet before committing fully. My biggest worry is getting accepted as my parents completely back my plan if I can make it (I’m not the first one in my family going to college as my sister went to an out of state that had the same tuition and they know how expensive it can/will be).</p>

<p>Thanks a lot guys! If you have any more advice for me, I would appreciate it a lot (:</p>

<p>When my son visited, he was told by an admissions officer to apple EA as opposed to ED.</p>

<p>You need to get your SAT score significantly higher, around a 1300 in reading + math, but I’m sure if you retake it a couple times and prepare you should get there.</p>

<p>My counselor suggested that I apply ED since it’s my clear #1 school. If you’re around average, ED will definitely improve your chances, however many students that are below average use ED to see if they can get in - which 9 times out of 10 won’t happen. My family will get 0 need-based aid and they can afford to write a $60,000 check for 4 years, so I think income has a lot to do with whether you should apply ED. I think ED gives me the best chance of getting in and I’d be heartbroken if I didn’t get into The []_[]!</p>

<p>Thank you, you have all given me a lot to think about. There will be a UM representative at my school so I’m going to ask and see if I can get a more assured response, though I’m leaning towards early action .</p>

<p>Also, there is no official class ranking in my school but I am top 2% if that helps anyone with chancing or such. Thanks again!</p>

<p>Q & S: Have you tried the ACT? Both of my kids scored higher on ACT compared to SAT.</p>

<p>Nope, I haven’t tried ACT. I figured it would be better to take the SAT and it’s too late for me to take ACT as I want to apply early action, though maybe I can use it for regular decision? I’m not sure if that was a mistake on my part, but now I only have the SAT to work with so I’m hoping for superscoring to help me raise my score.</p>

<p>You can take the October one but you will not be able to see your score. It will go directly to the school ( it will make it before the deadline for EA ).</p>

<p>I think that the ED vs EA might be a tactic used to improve their candidate pool. They want the best candidates to apply first and leave less strong candidates to the EA pool. Both give equal chances for scholarships. My daughter’s counselor suggested ED even though the UM counselor told her class that EA is better.</p>