Chance me for Purdue class 2024

hi i’m a rising senior applying as a physics, biology, or engineering major - on a pre med track

i had a rough freshman year and my gpa was a 3.0 but sophomore year it brought it up to a 3.78 and junior year it was a 3.86

3.58 GPA
1330 SAT (680 EBRW 650 Math)
32 ACT (English 32, Math 28, Reading 34, Science 32) taking again in July
APs - APUSH, AP Bio, AP Lang, AP Physics, AP Lit, AP Calc AB


  • worked in a lab; 10th-12th
  • volunteer at local library; 7th-12th
  • first chair viola in orchestra + play music in nursing homes with my quartet
  • music project thru school; 11th-12th
  • cooking class project with school grant; 11th-12th
  • tutoring club; member 9th-10th but president 11th-12th
  • tae kwon do black belt; since age 6 but took a break and came back to it in 11th
  • congressional debater; part of debate team 9th-12th
  • mock trial lawyer; 11th-12th
  • tutor to middle school students
  • writer for a lifestyle blog; 11th-12th
  • scholastic art + writing honorable mention, 11th
  • robotics team; 9th-12th
  • hich honors since sophomore year

Biology teacher bc i made growth in their class
History teacher bc i worked on a separate project with them

i’m asian american + female

thank you for chancing me!

Your math sub scores are low for Purdue engineering. That said, I’m not sure you want to do a pre-med track as a Purdue engineer. It will be very, very difficult to keep your GPA high enough for med school.

thanks so much for the advice!