Chance me for Purdue, mechanical engineering please!

<p>GPA from freshman to senior year 1st semester: 2.9958 on Purdue's weighting scale.
3.4 weighted GPA.
SAT I: 2230.
SAT II: 760 CHEM, 740 MATH, 700 W.HISTORY</p>

<p>I attribute all this to my sophomore year GPA, during which I received a 2.485 GPA.
However, I've exhibited an upward trend since then, finishing 1st semester junior year with a 3.0 UW (3.5 W)
and 2nd semester junior year with a 3.1 UW (3.63 W)</p>

<p>and currently in senior year, I have a 3.5 UW (4.0 W).</p>

<p>My extracurriculars include:
V.P. of the Speech and Debate club in freshman year
12 years of classical piano achieving Advanced in the Certificate of Merit test
6 years of clarinet, 1st chair during the 2 years I was on the school orchestra.</p>

<p>I went to a public school, and my class rank is in the top half.
Coming from california, I am an out-of-state student.</p>

<p>How are my chances? Will sophomore year come back and bite me like it did during the mid-tiered UCs' decisions?</p>

<p>i dont know much about the GPA but ur SAT score is more than enough for Purdue.Purdue doesnt look at SAT II scores</p>

<p>300 views and only one reply… Can anyone fill me in on this?</p>

<p>I’d like to know also, I have similar stats, I have about a 2070 SAT and a 30-31 ACT. Freshman GPA = UW: 2.8 — W: 3.1, 2 honors. Sophomore GPA = UW: 3.0 — W: 3.2, 1 honors & 1 advanced. Junior = UW: 3.75 — W: 4.0+, 1 honors, 1 AP, 1 advanced. I have decent EC’s. Sorry to hijack your thread, I just have similar stats and am curious as well. What are our chances?</p>

<p>thanks for the bump. anyone?</p>

<p>Dont worry, you are definetely in !</p>

<p>Some students with a lower GPA sometimes go to IUPUI for their freshman year- get like a 3.0 and then transfer to Purdue or IU. My neighbor did that last year. He actually did it after one semester.</p>