Chance Me For Purdue Engineering!!! PLEASE!!!

<p>My Major:
Chem Eng</p>

<p>My Stats:
3.1 UW--- 3.4 W
JUNIOR YEAR: 3.7 UW--- 4.0+ W
I took 6 honors and 1 AP (Chem) from freshman to junior year.
I will be taking an additional 3 AP's (Pol & Gov, Environmental, Lit) and 2 honors classes senior year.</p>

<p>SAT I:
Math: 750
CR: 620
W: 620 (10 Essay)</p>

<p>SAT II:
Chem - 750
Math II - 760</p>

-Habitat for Humanity - 3 years - Head of flooring team on one trip
-Model UN - 1 year, 5 committees - won 4 awards
-MADMEN - 1 year - One on one peer mentorship of an underclassmen in need of academic, social or organizational help.
- Music - 6 years - I play guitar and bass
- Athletics - 3 years - Soccer, winter and spring track
- I am doing either the Drexel summer materials camp or the visiting scholars program (if I get in)
- I will likely do some more small resume builders in the summer as well as get a job (life guarding maybe).</p>

<p>What are my chances for Purdue Engineering?</p>

<p>i got accepted to Purdue with chem eng as my major.</p>

<p>im an international student from India.</p>

<p>My Stats were
1.SAT I 1830 (690 math+570+570)
2.Purdue doesnt really consider SAT II scores but
Mths level 2:740
Physics and chem:730 each
3.GPA i have no idea but my % was good straight A’s
4. i had 4 recommenddations from my teachers and counsellor
5.good EC’s well mixed up social serivice with some environment works quizs and awards.</p>

<p>Atlease I know my SAT score is okay. The problem is you are international and most universities are a little less selective in order to get diversity, so it is hard to compare. Thanks for your input though.</p>

<p>ur sat is very good ur gpa seems to be a big prob</p>

<p>is it that big of a problem? I have a huge upward trend and I took rigorous classes. I had a 2.8/3.2 (UW/W) freshman and sophomore year and a 3.7/.4.0+ junior year. Is it that deterring?</p>

<p>i aint some official but ya i think a 3.1 on 4.0 is a lil less smthn like 3.4 wud have been gud</p>

<p>I don’t think you are looking at the trend very carefully. I am not trying to put words into your mouth and make you say something you don’t necessarily believe and I know a 3.1 is really bad, but I had a 3.7 junior year, taking even more rigorous classes than the previous year.</p>

<p>best of luck witht ur admissions …i hope to see u soon at Purdue</p>

<p>I really hope I see you too. I just don’t know how any college will view my GPA. I got much better and I know if I had a 3.7 all along I would have a good shot at purdue. Thanks for your opinion.</p>

<p>From the Purdue Engineering 2016 FB group - these are the stats for the current Freshman class (2015):</p>

<p>Average GPA: 3.9/4.0
Average ACT: 30
Average SAT: 1975
Average class rank: Top 8%
10,000 applications, just for engineering, up 7% from last year.</p>

<p>I might be a bit worried based on that. The upward trend is obviously good though but even this year’s GPA appears to be below the average. My big question for you is why the AP’s you’re taking next year? Why not Calc AB and Physics B or C that will prepare you for the workload at Purdue plus show them you can handle that level or work, rather than Pol & Gov/Environmental? I’d be even more worried about your being able to handle the FYE engineering program without those classes than about getting in. My son is going in with 13 AP’s (including all those mentioned) as are many of the people he talks to on the FB group. Something like 60% of students in FYE drop out that first year. Not trying to be overly negative here but to give you these thoughts while you can still do something about it for next year.</p>

<p>I understand the risks and difficulty with engineering. I can’t take AP physics because my school requires you to take honors physics first. I’ll talk to my councilor about Calc AB. Do you know what their acceptance rate is for engineering? Also, is that 3.9 with purdues weighting.</p>

<p>I don’t think you’d be rejected outright, you have a decent chance, but very very likely to be waitlisted</p>

<p>tma - you read my mind. I think my low freshmen and sophomore year is a darn good reason to waitlist me and see how my more rigorous senior year goes. Thanks for the confidence though.</p>

<p>Hey dude this look just like my situation right now(junior year), except I haven’t taken the ACT or ACT yet. and @ marciemi: is that 3.9 uw / 4.0 weighted or 3.9 on a 4.0 scale? either way, that is looking pretty high. I thought the average GPA was around 3.4. (Better get all A’s this trimester, Stupid AP Lit)</p>

<p>Sorry, I don’t know the stats on admission for engineering alone. Just remembered seeing that post that was there to explain why so many good people weren’t getting scholarships. </p>

<p>Really, you need honors physics for AP physics B? Or is that for C? If so, and you take Honors can you take the B exam anyway? Are you taking the honors physics? </p>

<p>Not sure on the weighting - that was just from their post on the 2016 group. Good luck in any case!</p>

<p>Thank you very much. The thing is though, I am physically not allowed to take AP Physics because I have not yet taken honors physics. Is it hard to prep for the AP exam?</p>

<p>Looks like I have better chances than I thought I did. It turns out that the middle 50% SAT is 1710-2010 and the middle 50% GPA is 3.4 to 3.8, plus I go to a well distinguished public school which makes my grades look a little better and I had a solid junior year and hopefully will succeed next year.</p>

<p>i wouldnt worry too much. Your SAT is very good, and GPA is on the rise. You’ll definitely get in Purdue, but engineering is significantly harder. Good luck, though!!</p>

<p>@saxyman - Thanks, do you think I will get into engineering is the question though? I wouldn’t go unless I got into eng.</p>

<p>I was denied admission with these stats:</p>

<p>GPA: W - 4.1 / UW 4.0
ACT - 29
(I was Valedictorian of my Class, straight 95+s on all Math courses, Geometry through Calculus.
Field: Aeronautical Engineering</p>