<p>hey i just got accepted from St.Johns U for Pharm with $16000 merit Scholarship. they want me to send $500 deposit in 4 weeks but before i do that.. i wanna know if i have a decent shot at rutgers pharm... </p>
<p>Im an asian female from NJ with gpa 4.0/5.0 with rank of 55/300. i got 2140 on my sats 760M 660V 720W and 710 on 2C and 690 on 1C. I know my SAT II sucks. I took IC IIC twice and i was sick on both days so i think im not meant to take it :/...</p>
<p>my high school is public but it's really big and sends at least 4~5 students to Ivies each year. it has really strong academic curriculum and excurriculum activities.
I have several club credits 11~13 but i didnt hold any positions...
Im a member of national honor society and
I have varsity credit for marching band and debate team.
I have about 250~300 valunteer hrs.
and I'm the lead vocal in my church praise team.
Also I participated as an actress in a musical "Godspell". I performed 3 times, 2 in NJ and 1 in manhattan.</p>
<p>now, the thing is..I came to the states when i was in 8th grade.
so i only lived in US for 4 yrs.
I got 110/120 for TOEFL- test for students whose first language is not english..
I was in ESL and essential classes in 9th grade. I came out of all the ESL classes in 10th
and took 4 honors in 11th. now as a senior i'm taking 5 APs..Chem,Stat,Calc,Japanese and World History. I didnt take the tests yet but i'm trying to get at least 4..hopefully.</p>
<p>I heard that admission people see these kinds of things-yrs spent in us- when they look at application. will this fact help me??
Also, my status is pending for green card which is the permanent resident. so i'm not counted as instate. but i have a sister who goes to rutgers. she's a junior majoring in business.</p>
<p>one of my friends got into rutgers pharm with 800M 800R 620W one week ago
.. I think her rank was 20/300 or around there. good for her..</p>
<p>I was rejected from JHU early few weeks ago :/... but i kinda expected it lol
so im not that shocked.
don't be afraid to be brutally honest! any help would be greatly appreciated thanks so much!!</p>
<p>I don’t think that rutgers pharm is not as competitive as people make it out to be. you have some pretty solid stats. I don’t think rutgers looks at SAT IIs, so I wouldn’t worry too much about those. besides, you have good SAT Is. good gpa.</p>
<p>the only thing would be your class rank. 18% is good, but not enough for honors, not sure about pharm. although, I do know someone who was admitted to the hp and was not top 10%. And I do know people who didn’t get into hp but got into pharm. extracurrics are kind of ehh since you didn’t hold any positions (I help 2 leadership positions and was also lit ed of yearbook, and I am pretty sure I got the scholarship I got based on extracurrics). BUT I would definitely play up the whole musical theater thing. the adcom eats that stuff up.</p>
<p>As for the years spent in the US, I don’t know if that would help you a lot, maybe somewhat. Maybe if you were an international student; that was kind of stating the obvious. but it is def impressive that you’ve spent only 4 years in the us and have learned english at a competent level. maybe also play that up in your essay.</p>
<p>and for being regarded as an instate: based on your SAT scores, you would get the $7,500 scholarship and deducting this from 40,000, you’d still have to pay more than 30k to come here. is money a huge factor in your decision?</p>
<p>Im expecting the green card to come out in a year.
so after a year ill be able to apply for financial aid using FAFSA.
pharmacists earn decent money…and jobs are guaranteed…right?
I think i can pay my tuition debt back after graduating with ph.D degree
so i guess for now the money is not a huge factor…
thanks for ur reply !! that really helped me!!</p>
<p>I’m a pharmacy student. I know that Rutgers pharmacy is competitive to get into but not as competitive when applying directly from high school as compared to transfers.
I’ll say that you have a decent shot.</p>
<p>My scores were 1400/2100 and my gpa was 3.75 unweighted…i think.</p>
<p>you have a very good shot i know many people who got accepted with like 2100…they accpet about 200 incoming freshman all over, but only one for transfers</p>
<p>Your SATs seem good enough but I honestly don’t know how much they take rank into account. I think my rank was what boosted me in…i got accepted about 3 days ago.</p>
<p>SATs: 1340//2110 (yeah stupid writing was my highest…)
Rank: 5/638 GPA: 3.75 unweighted/4.65 weighted</p>
<p>The woman who came to my school was on the adcom. She said pharm was rather competitive to get into, and that the average sat scores were about 1420 last year. She said, ec’s are cute but they really take a deep look into your academics, gpa, rigor of courses, etc. They don’t look at sat II’s so I don’t know why you’re freaked out because of that. IMO you are right on the cusp, leaning towards acceptance.</p>