<p>Please chance me for the 0-6 rutgers pharm program</p>
GPA: 3.9 unweighted, I don't know what my weighted score is
Class Rank: 14/344, top 4%
All AP & Honors Classes
- Math Courses: Geometry, Algebra II, Trig/Pre-Calculus, Calculus
- Science Courses: (Honors & AP) Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy & Physiology
- English Courses: English I & II, Language & Composition, Literature & Composition
- History Courses: World History, American History I & II
- Foreign Language: Spanish (3 years, went up to Spanish IV)
SAT: 1930 out of 2400</p>
Arts & Entertainment editor for the school newspaper junior year, News Editor (second-in-command) senior year
Member of Interact (School Volunteering Club), over 100 hours
Step Team
National Honor Society
Work at Subway, 15 hrs per week </p>
- Principal's List
- Superintendent's List
- Recommended for Governor's School of the Arts
- Outstanding Participant in the National Achievement Scholarship Program
- Edward J Bloustein Distinguished Scholar</p>
<p>SATs need to be higher, make sure you take a lot of honors (and especially AP) science classes. PM me if you have any questions about pharmacy once/if you get in.</p>
<p>yea that’s the thing that i’m worried about. my SATs are pretty low but im hoping my GPA will help a bit. math - 540, cr - 720, w - 670. i have taken all advanced science courses and i have gotten a’s in all of them. im taking 2 sciences this year (ap bio and honors anatomy & physiology) and im taking honors calculus this year. oh and i am instate</p>
<p>people who get accepted to pharmacy school last year got over 2100…they were ranked top 20…and if u get one f in any class u get permanantly droped out of pharmschool unless you wanna do another major…unless if you get accepted to the eof prgram they usually give u a shot even it you have sats slightly lower…</p>