<p>I student at a community college
I applied to sjsu this fall for fall of 2009. my GPA is 3.29 and im majoring in fiance
all of my prereqs will be done by the spring</p>
<p>what are my chances???</p>
<p>I student at a community college
I applied to sjsu this fall for fall of 2009. my GPA is 3.29 and im majoring in fiance
all of my prereqs will be done by the spring</p>
<p>what are my chances???</p>
<p>I say 2000%</p>
<p>ummm yeah, I think you’re in.</p>
<p>are you able to do basic addition</p>
<p>then you’re in</p>
<p>anyone know when sjsu lets students know if they have got in?</p>
<p>don’t stress over it… i’m sure you will get in.</p>
<p>i guess im kind of worrying about it to much.</p>
<p>i got nervous when i heard sjsu and other csu’s and uc’s will cut number of admitted students. I know it is goin to effect freshmen but does it also effect transfer students?</p>
<p>before you start your first day, learn the differences between ‘to’ and ‘too’, and ‘effect’ and ‘affect’. </p>
<p>your professors will appreciate it.</p>
<p>what does </p>
<p>“The status of your application is: Admit by Self-Report Data/Tran”</p>
<p>mean? it says when i click on my application status</p>
<p>It means you’re admitted as a Transfer student on the basis of your self-reported data. At some point, they’ll want to verify the data with official transcripts. Congrats! (And keep an eye on your “To Do” list.)</p>
<p>when do u send trasncripts into sjsu ?</p>
<p>san jose state university is a second rate university.</p>
<p>^^ sorry that wasn’t me</p>
<p>im not even going to try and explain</p>
<p>SJSU’s good for a Cal-State, probably better than UC Riverside or Merced. Fullerton’s also a good, slightly underrated Cal-State. SDSU and SFSU are overrated from what I’ve heard.</p>
<p>I don’t think SJSU is better than UCR…</p>
<p>my community college sent out transscripts on nov 25th </p>
<p>and as of today sjsu still saying they havent received it</p>
<p>got a new question.</p>
<p>I put down certain classes im goin to take for spring of 08. But i really want to change some of the classes i put down and switch them for another class. But i will still have all the education plan filled out even if i do switching. Am i suppose to contact sjsu for changing classes at my community college?</p>
<p>example is i need to finish a critical thinking section and i put down Phil 107 but now i want to take phil 104. would i be allowed to change?</p>
<p>SJSU accepts any student with 2 feet. (Gotta feel bad for those students with one foot). UCR on the other hand is getting competitive.</p>
<p>anyone know if their is a way to update your application for sjsu? i have changed my schedule to what i put under ‘courses planed’. I have pretty much finished the csu plan except i need a critical thinking class. I originally put on my courses planned i would take phil 107 .Later on i decided I wanted to take a different critical thinking class and now im in phil 104. Even though i changed classes from what i put down, i still will be completing the education plan and finishing it. am i suppose to notify sjsu about this? or do i just send in transcript after spring semester?</p>