<p>I don't have high expectations for my chances, but it'd be great to know what other people think, and interesting to see the severity of my rejection. I have a number of safeties which I know I will get into with merit scholarships.</p>
<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Asian
Residency: Washington</p>
<p>Unweighted GPA – 3.83 GPA (it’s pretty bad, I know. I don’t really have a good explanation for it besides I underestimated how much work I would actually have in Junior year)</p>
<p>Weighted GPA – 4.291 GPA (At a disadvantage here since I’ve been taking 7 classes a year since freshman year opposed to the normal 6, and we aren’t allowed to take AP classes until Junior Year. I’ve been trying to make up for it since.)</p>
<p>UC GPA – 4.11 GPA</p>
<p>Class Rank: 27/412. Additionally, my class rank is based on an unweighted GPA scale, and I also share my class rank with four other people. So I don’t think it’s an accurate measure of academic prowess…
AP Courses:
• AP Calculus AB (expecting a 5),
• AP Calculus BC (expecting a 4 or 5) [self-studied]
• AP Psychology (5) [self-studied]
• AP Statistics (5) [self-studied]
• AP Physics B (5) [self-studied]
• AP US History (5),
• AP Macroeconomics (5),
• AP Microeconomics (5),
• AP English Language and Composition (5),
• AP French (expecting a 3 or 4)
• AP English Literature (expecting a 5)
• AP Computer Science (expecting a 5)
• AP Biology (expecting a 4 or 5)
• AP Government (expecting a 5)
I'm considering self-studying AP Chemistry since I've been told having all three sciences is practically a requirement, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time, in light of everything else. It's also not offered at my school, so I have no choice but to self-study it.
Also, perhaps AP Music Theory from interest.</p>
<p>SAT II: US History - 790, Math II - 800, Physics - 780. Potentially planning on taking the test for Biology and Chemistry.</p>
<p>SAT score: 1st attempt: 800R 720M 780R
2nd attempt: Pending
ACT score: 34, 32W 32M 36R 34S</p>
<p>Senior Year Schedule:
AP Government
AP French
AP Computer Science
AP Calculus AB
AP Biology
AP English Literature
Honors Orchestra</p>
<p>Employment: Lifeguard at my school's pool during the summer (2012)
Swim Instructor, Winter Season (2012)</p>
<p>ECs: - Honors Orchestra, violin (8 years)
-Self-taught piano for 4 years (currently learning Fantasie Impromptu and Liebestraume)
-Key Club member (3 years)
-National Honors Society President 2012, member for 2 years -
-Washington Aerospace Scholars 2012
-UW Math Academy 2012
-UW Medical Center internship 2012
-East Hill String Lessons violin tutor (volunteer) (6 years)
-JV Tennis (3 years), Varsity Tennis (1 year)
-Varsity Gymnastics (1 year)
-JV Swim (1 year), Varsity Swim (3 years), Varsity Swim Captain
-Approximately 600+ hours of community service</p>
<p>Honors and Awards: National AP Scholar 2012 (Probably will get this again...)
Multiple Varsity letters and Scholar Athlete awards that probably don't matter
Numerous athletic awards for swimming (ex: Districts 3rd Place for 100 Backstroke, Districts 4th Place for 200 Freestyle)
National Merit Semi Finalist: 217, 2012
Honor Roll (Top 20%) (all years)
Rotary Youth of the Month, multiple Member of the Month awards from Key Club and NHS
Can't think of anything else. I believe there are more, though.</p>
<p>Letters of Recommendation: Amazing, thankfully.</p>