Chance me for Stanford/UC Berkeley/Penn?

<p>I don't have high expectations for my chances, but it'd be great to know what other people think, and interesting to see the severity of my rejection. I have a number of safeties which I know I will get into with merit scholarships.</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Asian
Residency: Washington</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA – 3.83 GPA (it’s pretty bad, I know. I don’t really have a good explanation for it besides I underestimated how much work I would actually have in Junior year)</p>

<p>Weighted GPA – 4.291 GPA (At a disadvantage here since I’ve been taking 7 classes a year since freshman year opposed to the normal 6, and we aren’t allowed to take AP classes until Junior Year. I’ve been trying to make up for it since.)</p>

<p>UC GPA – 4.11 GPA</p>

<p>Class Rank: 27/412. Additionally, my class rank is based on an unweighted GPA scale, and I also share my class rank with four other people. So I don’t think it’s an accurate measure of academic prowess…
AP Courses:
• AP Calculus AB (expecting a 5),
• AP Calculus BC (expecting a 4 or 5) [self-studied]
• AP Psychology (5) [self-studied]
• AP Statistics (5) [self-studied]
• AP Physics B (5) [self-studied]
• AP US History (5),
• AP Macroeconomics (5),
• AP Microeconomics (5),
• AP English Language and Composition (5),
• AP French (expecting a 3 or 4)
• AP English Literature (expecting a 5)
• AP Computer Science (expecting a 5)
• AP Biology (expecting a 4 or 5)
• AP Government (expecting a 5)
I'm considering self-studying AP Chemistry since I've been told having all three sciences is practically a requirement, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time, in light of everything else. It's also not offered at my school, so I have no choice but to self-study it.
Also, perhaps AP Music Theory from interest.</p>

<p>SAT II: US History - 790, Math II - 800, Physics - 780. Potentially planning on taking the test for Biology and Chemistry.</p>

<p>SAT score: 1st attempt: 800R 720M 780R
2nd attempt: Pending
ACT score: 34, 32W 32M 36R 34S</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:
AP Government
AP French
AP Computer Science
AP Calculus AB
AP Biology
AP English Literature
Honors Orchestra</p>

<p>Employment: Lifeguard at my school's pool during the summer (2012)
Swim Instructor, Winter Season (2012)</p>

<p>ECs: - Honors Orchestra, violin (8 years)
-Self-taught piano for 4 years (currently learning Fantasie Impromptu and Liebestraume)
-Key Club member (3 years)
-National Honors Society President 2012, member for 2 years -
-Washington Aerospace Scholars 2012
-UW Math Academy 2012
-UW Medical Center internship 2012
-East Hill String Lessons violin tutor (volunteer) (6 years)
-JV Tennis (3 years), Varsity Tennis (1 year)
-Varsity Gymnastics (1 year)
-JV Swim (1 year), Varsity Swim (3 years), Varsity Swim Captain
-Approximately 600+ hours of community service</p>

<p>Honors and Awards: National AP Scholar 2012 (Probably will get this again...)
Multiple Varsity letters and Scholar Athlete awards that probably don't matter
Numerous athletic awards for swimming (ex: Districts 3rd Place for 100 Backstroke, Districts 4th Place for 200 Freestyle)
National Merit Semi Finalist: 217, 2012
Honor Roll (Top 20%) (all years)
Rotary Youth of the Month, multiple Member of the Month awards from Key Club and NHS
Can't think of anything else. I believe there are more, though.</p>

<p>Letters of Recommendation: Amazing, thankfully.</p>

<p>Berkeley - low match/match. Cal does not look at race, fortunately, in your case.
Penn/Stanford - reaches. There are too many unhooked white/asian females just like you, applying for these schools.</p>

<p>Your AP list is psycho, and btw you don’t “need” all three AP sciences, one is perfectly fine as long as you’ve taken bio/chem/phys regular. Your GPA also doesn’t HAVE to be perfect, admissions doesn’t trash anyone without a 4.0. You’re fine on paper (internships help), I hope your essays were good enough to showcase passion because right now it looks like you’ve been padding your resume for four years (which is bad). Berkeley is a match, Penn low reach, Stanford high reach.</p>

<p>Is it really thay bad? I haven’t been trying to pad my resume; most of the AP classes I’ve been taking are o out of an interest in them.
I’ve had difficulty deciding what to major in and what to focus on, so I suppose that’s why my qualifications seem somewhat broad.</p>

Stanford=no match, you are a amazing but not unique
(my son is a senior, the #1 ranked student 1/670 is currently waitlisted at Stanford. She is an asian female. The school is in the top 30 in California)
UPenn=low reach</p>

<p>Impressive academic record and extracurriculars. You should get into Berkeley. Stanford and UPenn are possible, but don’t bet on them.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies.
So I definitely should expect a rejection from Stanford. Unless I have something unique that makes me stand out. Well, it’s a little late for that, I suppose.
@myboby123 Your son is an asian female?</p>

<p>What other universities do you think would be more realistic for someone of my standing?
I’d like to go into a Pre-Med major.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that those Stanford essays could save you! And if you’re genuinely interested in all of those AP classes then that type of intellectual curiosity is something Stanford loves to see. Don’t count it out completely :slight_smile: You would have excellent chances at places like Duke, Chicago, Cornell, UVA, and other schools in that bracket. You’re really an exceptional applicant, your only reaches will be those top tier HYPS type schools.</p>

<p>OP, the #1 ranked student at my son’s school is not my son. she is a FEMALE.</p>

<p>Low reach for UCB.</p>


<p>Stanford- high reach; nothing pops on your application and that might sting elsewhere </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>You should have no trouble getting into UCB, but why do you want to go there and pay OOS tuition?</p>

<p>Holy cow!!! 20 AP courses, how did u fit all that into four years of high school and manage your time?!! but UCB is a match, and Stanford/Penn are high match, low reach</p>