Chance me for the texas a&m engineering academy!

I was just prequalified and finished the official application for the program. I’m doing the one at HCC.
SAT scores: math:500 english: 590

TSI scores: math: 367 reading: exempt
Math placement score: Precalculus ready
No extra curricular
1 AP class (Computer Science A)
GPA: 3.1961

All their prequalified emails must have come out today! My son was prequalified through Alamo Community in San Antonio. Hopefully the answers from TAMU come quickly. This has been a process!!!

Is it just me or is the engineering academy program not very well known? when I mentioned it to three advisors at HCC in december, they didn’t know what I was talking about. I also mentioned it to my friends who wanted to do TAMU engineering and they had no idea about it either. In fact, I only found out about it cause I stumbled on it while searching about how to transfer to TAMU.

bumping, my app is currently under review. is it possible for me to get in the program?

My son was told by A&M admissions that decisions would be released in April.


Hang in there, decisions are coming out.

The wait was so long, but my son received his acceptance a little over a week ago. He had applied very early (mid January) to the Brenham academy, after applying to A&M in August. (He was offered PSA in February or March.)

So fingers crossed your offer could come soon.

bumping. I’m a little worried. I thought my admission was secured but there’s a small possibility that I might not get in due to my SAT scores and no extracurriculars…

Your SAT is right in line with my sons. He has a number of school-related ECs, and some volunteer hours. 4 year HS engineering student, all AP classes, he’s in PreAP Pre Cal now. we’re still waiting…

I had him call TAMU admissions the other day. They said they have until the END OF JULY to give answers for Engineering Academy students. Thats just not acceptable. As much as we want the Academy for him, we’re going to have to look elsewhere, we just cant wait until the end of July to move on to another school - how could anyone get into a dorm with 3 weeks till school starts?

Last ditch effort, Im calling the school in San Antonio next week to talk to the lady that works with these kids and TAMU. I just don’t see how it is possible they can put these kids off that long.

Our decisions should come out around the same time since our application was sent to review on the same day (3/20?) but yeah it seems like in all of the academies, the admission process is slow. I applied for prequalification in december and received it in march. I think we will get it next in may, hopefully next week.Somebody in here said you receive a decision 4-8 weeks after it goes to review. Here’s the calendar from HCC website

January 1, 2020, Texas A&M Engineering Academy application opens

Mid-March 2020, Admission decisions from Texas A&M will begin and continue on a rolling basis.

June 26, 2020, This is the last day to be prequalified by HCC. Any requested information for prequalification must be received by close of business, 5:00 pm Central Standard Time.

June 30, 2020, Texas A&M Engineering Academy application closes.

July 10, 2020, All supporting credentials must be received by close of business at Texas A&M or at the regional office in Houston.
July 24, 2020, All final admission decisions will be released on or before this date.

July 31, 2020, This is the deadline for students to accept an offer of admission from Texas A&M.

@EngDad2024 If you don’t mind me asking, what were his SAT/ACT scores and how was his course rigor? I’m applying for the Brenham academy as well and am trying to gauge how competitive it is to get a spot. I was offered PSA as well through A&M.

also I would like to add that I do remember them asking on the official app what math classes above Algebra II that I took and I said statistics and pre-calculus (I’m currently taking both at the same time) so I think that could factor in my math readiness.

My son had an ACT composite score of 30, and a math sub score of 30. He is taking AP Calculus AB this year.

I got accepted to the one through HHC in April

got an email from the program specialist saying that wait time is up to 8 weeks for an admission decision. it’s been 7 weeks and 4 days since my app was sent into review. so hopefully I get a decision this week? I doubt it though…

EngDad2024, your son was not accepted to CS A&M with ACT scores like that? That’s a little scary. Pretty high score on ACT. Congratulations on his acceptance to Academy. That’s great!

that’s what I was thinking too, maybe he wasnt rejected but just decided to go to the academy? I hear of a lot of academic excellent kids rejecting their offers at universities and going to CC instead. I hope that’s the case because if not then I fear for all of the future classes trying to apply…

I feel like I’m going to get rejected… I don’t know why I didnt just retake the SATs… I thought my admission to the academy would be secured since I am considered pre-calculus ready.

He was offered PSA. Unfortunately he wasn’t very motivated the 1st 3 semesters of high school and then was unable to get his class rank out of the hole by the end of his junior year. But he is determined to make the most of his academy opportunity.

so I was denied :frowning: is there a way for me to appeal? I cant believe this…