Chance me for the UCs?

I’m a California resident (female) applying to ucb, uci, ucd, ucsd, ucsb, and ucla but I’m afraid about my chances. I’m considering applying to other colleges like cal poly slo as well. My intended major is molecular biology.

I’m retaking both the SAT and ACT and hoping to increase my scores a little.

1520 (750 R/W, 770 math)

33 composite (34 english, 35 math, 33 reading, 30 science)

AP scores (AP Scholar with Distinction):
World History (4), Psychology (4), Statistics (5), US History (5), Lang (4), Chemistry (3)

Senior APs:
Microeconomics, Government, Lit, Calc BC, Biology

Uw: 3.93
W: 4.33
Weighted and capped: 4.20

-NHS (10-12)
-CSF (11-12)
-Key club (11-12)
-Volunteer at hospital- over 200 hours (10-12)
-Video creation/leader of editing group (9-12)
-Worked at a pizza factory April-July 2018
-Perfect attendance 2nd grade to present if that counts for anything?
-County math competition participant and some other county awards

Assuming I write good essays, will I have a good chance at getting into at least one of the UCs I’m applying to?

Your stats look inline with my 3 kids who had successful UC admissions. Is your uw 10-11? Is your schedule rigorous for your school?

Not sure if perfect attendance is something to include. Might be be a fun antidote in an essay if it makes sense.

Your ECs look routine (as did my kids). Not sure how much time you spent participating. My kids did spend a lot of time doing ECs and had a bit of leadership (team captain, event organizer). D worked and volunteered. Both sons did club / high school sports and volunteered.

Hi, have you used the roger hub calculator to see what your chances are at each campus?

Thank you for your reply! My unweighted 10-11 is 3.93 and 9-11 is 3.95. I’ve taken the most challenging classes that can fit into my schedule and I’m rank 3 currently.

You are a competitive applicant. Your stats and ECs are good. Write amazing essays and you could get accepted to any of these schools

Overall you look like a competitive applicant. Consider UCLA/UCB Reach schools but you are within range for an acceptance. You definitely need at least 2 safety schools, so add UCR and some of the Cal States (not SLO) to your list.

Best of luck.

^^^^^ what she said.

As always @gumbymom is spot on. SDSU has an honors program and would make a good candidate as a Safety on your list.

add UCSC to your list too. Also, if financially feasible, add some private schools or out of state public flagship schools.

Chances are that you’ll get acceptances from at least a couple of the UCs mentioned. Probably not all 6 though. Do apply for a couple of safeties just in case. I’m more or less repeating what everyone else has said.

Some of the schools on the list do value demonstrated interest so make sure you make official visits to the places that value DI. UCI is one of them for sure.