Chances for UCs? (UCSD, UCI, UCSB, UCD, UCSC, etc.)

California resident

Currently a junior

UW GPA: 3.5
W GPA: 4.0
UC GPA: ~3.75 (not exactly sure how to calculate this?)

ACT: 33 (2nd try), 30 (1st try)
SAT: 1440

SAT II: Math II (780), going to take SAT II Chem later this year

APs: APUSH (5), taking more APs this year and next year.

I go to a very competitive public high school.

My class schedule from 9-11th grade is the most rigorous courses that one can take, barring Calc AB (instead of BC).

My grades are an upward trend.

My grades 9 and 10 were pretty meh. I had a lot of Bs and a few As, and I even got a C in my math class during my sophomore year. My grades for 11th are looking good so far. All As except a B+ in AP Chem last semester, and is looking to be the same for my second semester (although I will definitely try to get that last A in chem).

ECs: Several clubs, secretary/treasurer/VP for one club, a few hundred hours of tutoring since 9th grade, lots of volunteering hours since 9th as well, piano for +10 years, TARC rocketry competition, have taken several community college classes, performing recitals for retirement homes since middle school, currently have a job

Thanks for any input!

Intended major?

Intended major is electrical engineer or biology.

There is no way to accurately chance anyone since EC’s and essays are very subjective so just based on your Stats alone, your UC GPA is below average for all the UC’s except UCM/UCR and UC’s tend to be very GPA focused. Your test scores do show you are a very capable individual and are well qualified. HS course rigor and school competitiveness will be considered.

Using admit rates for 2016 just based on UC GPA and not dependent upon intended major (EE or Biology will be more competitive).

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 8%
UCI: 13%
UCSB: 14%
UCD: 15%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92:

I suspect these numbers will be even lower for the in-coming Freshman class of 2017. My advice is apply widely, have 2 safety schools where your stats are above the 75th percentile, your willing to attend no mater what and affordable. Good luck.
